ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
VT_API.GetStudyReasonsForState Method

Get a list of Study Reasons applicable to an Australian state. 

This is an public AVETMISS list of "reasons for study" that are valid for enrolments in that state. 

Pass in the short name of the state to get study reasons for (eg. "Vic", "NSW" etc), or pass an empty string or "NAT" to get a list of nationally reportable study reasons. 

Each Study Reason item is represented by a TStudyReason. The collection of Study Reason items is represented by a List of TStudyReason

Since this data is public, no authentication is required. The returned Auth is used only for status and messages.

[WebMethod(Description = "Gets a list of study reasons applicable to an Australian state")]
public TAuthStudyReasonList GetStudyReasonsForState(string stateShortName);
string stateShortName 
String containing the short name of the state to get study reasons for (eg. "Vic", "NSW"). 

TAuthStudyReasonList : an authenticated list of Study Reason items in the specified state.

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