ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
VT_API.UpdateEmployerDetails Method

Update Details for an Employer by passing a TEmpl object. 

Returns a TAuthenticate object. 

The new Employer Details are represented by a TEmpl parameter (eEmpl). All properties of eEmpl are used for the update, so ensure any properties which are to remain unchanged are populated with current values. 

If you do not specify or populate BusinessAddress or PostalAddress, the AVETMISS 6 address format fields that you specify in the TEmpl will be automatically updated into the AVETMISS 7 format address fields as well. 

If you do specify BusinessAddress or PostalAddress, those addresses will be used for the update, and anything you've specified for the AVETMISS 6 format fields in the TEmpl will be ignored. 

It is recommended that you specify BusinessAddress and PostalAddress, and do not specify (or leave blank) the Empl_BAddr, Empl_BCity, Empl_BPCode, BusinessState, Empl_PAddr, Empl_PCity, Empl_PPCode and PostalState fields, in the eEmpl. 

WARNING: If you use GetEmployerDetails to get a TEmpl object, the BusinessAddress and PostalAddress fields in it will be populated. If you try to change the address by updating only the Empl_BAddr, Empl_BCity, Empl_BPCode, BusinessState, Empl_PAddr, Empl_PCity, Empl_PPCode or PostalState fields in that TEmpl, and then call this function to update it passing in that TEmpl, your address changes will be ignored (because it will use the BusinessAddress and PostalAddress fields as the address). You should update UsualAddress and PostalAddress instead. 

If both the Empl_Parent and ParentName fields are set in the TEmpl, the Empl_Parent field will be used to set the parent. 

A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no employer details are updated. The result of the authentication and update is represented by a TAuthenticate object. 

This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API.

[WebMethod(Description = "Updates an employer with the information specified")]
public TAuthenticate UpdateEmployerDetails(string sToken, TEmpl eEmpl);
string sToken 
String Token. 
TEmpl eEmpl 
TEmpl object holding Employer details to update. 

TAuthenticate : a TAuthenticate Object containing the result of the update.

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