ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
TEnro Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TEnro.

The total dollar amount of the enrolment, including any GST 
The total dollar amount credited on the enrolment. Note that this field is meaningless for an occurrence 
The total dollar amount paid on the enrolment, including any credits. Note that this field is meaningless for an occurrence 
Code of Enrolment. 
Date of effect. This is the date that the current status takes effect. 
List of delivery modes for the enrolment. The first one in the list is the "primary" delivery mode. This field supersedes DeliveryType in AVETMISS 8 for 2018  
Name of delivery type for enrolment, eg. Classroom based, Electronic based, etc This is an AVETMISS 7 field and only applies to enrolments current in 2017 or earlier. It is superseded in 2018 by DeliveryModes 
Description for the enrolment 
The ID of the division the enrolment belongs to 
The client code of the employer contact linked to the enrolment, if any 
The identifier of the employer linked to the enrolment, if any 
The name of the employer linked to the enrolment, if any 
End date of enrolment. 
The name of the optional user-defined type of the enrolment.
The available list of these is set up in the Configuration Manager under Contract/Enrolment types.  
The code of the optional user-defined type of the enrolment.
The available list of these is set up in the Configuration Manager under Contract/Enrolment types.  
The GST component of the enrolment dollar amount 
ID of Enrolment. 
Code of location for enrolment 
Identifier for the organisation the enrolment is linked to. Only applicable if the Multi-RTO extension is being used 
Qualification Code of Qualification linked to enrolment. 
Qualification Code of Qualification linked to enrolment. 
Start date of enrolment. 
Status. eg 'Active', 'Withdrawn', 'Completed', ... 
Type of Status. One of the following values:
  • 0 : Active
  • 1 : Completed
  • 9 : Cancelled
The VETenrol registration identifier that led to this enrolment.  
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