ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
VT_API.AddWebEmployee Method
[WebMethod(Description = "Enrols an employee with the specified details into an existing employer web enrolment with the specified web enrolment ID")]
public TAuthID AddWebEmployee(string sToken, int iWebe_ID, string sSurname, string sGiven, string sCode, DateTime? xsdDOB);
string sToken 
String Token. 
int iWebe_ID 
Integer ID of Employer Web Enrolment. 
string sSurname 
String containing the Employee's Surname. Maximum length 50 characters. 
string sGiven 
String containing the Employee's Given Name. Maximum length 50 characters. Leave empty for a single name client. 
string sCode 
String containing the Employee's suspected VETtrak Code. If unknown, enter an empty string. Maximum length 10 characters. 
DateTime? xsdDOB 
DateTime containing the Employee's Date of Birth. 

TAuthID : an Authenticated ID object. The ID property holds the ID of the Web Client. If errors occur, and the Web Client if not created, the ID property holds the value BAD_ID = -1.

Add a Web Employee to an Employer Web Enrolment. 

A Web Employee is a web client who is not directly enrolled, but is part of an Employer Enrolment. 

AddWebEmployee creates a web Client who links to the Web Employer and the Employer Web Enrolment and who is flagged as a student (rather than a contact person). 

A Web Enrolment ID (iWebe_ID) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddEmployerWebEnrolment function. 

Details of the Web Client (sSurname, sGiven Name, DOB and sCode) are supplied as parameters. If a non-empty string is supplied as sCode, an attempt is made to match the web client details with an existing client record in the VETtrak database. 

AddWebEmployee should not be used to create clients who are enrolled as individuals, rather than as part of an Employer Web Enrolment. In these cases, use AddClientWebEnrolment

A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no web client is created. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. 

Requires a valid registration key entry for the Bookings feature. 

This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API.

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