ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
VT_API.GetEmployeeEnrolmentsForEmployerEnrolment Method

Gets a list of client enrolments for an employer's employees enrolled into an occurrence or booking. 

For the specified employer and the specified occurrence or booking, this function returns a list of enrolments (with client names) for all employees in that employer occurrence enrolment or booking. 

The occurrences that an employer is enrolled in can be obtained by calling the GetOccurrencesForEmployer function. The bookings for an employer can be obtained by calling the GetBookingsForEmployer function. 

Each employee enrolment is represented by a TClieEnro. The list of enrolments is represented by a List of TClieEnro in the ClieEnroList property in the returned TAuthClieEnroList

A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no data will be returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. 

Requires a valid registration key entry for the Bookings feature. 

This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API.

[WebMethod(Description = "Gets a list of client enrolments for employees enrolled for an employer in an occurrence or booking")]
public TAuthClieEnroList GetEmployeeEnrolmentsForEmployerEnrolment(string token, string employerIdentifier, int occurrenceId);
string token 
Mandatory string containing a token. 
string employerIdentifier 
The identifier for the employer to get employee enrolments for 
int occurrenceId 
The ID of the occurrence or booking to get employee enrolments for 

TAuthClieEnroList containing the client enrolments for each employee under the employer's occurrence enrolment or booking

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