ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
VT_API.GetInvoicesModifiedSince Method

Retrieves a list of invoices that have been modified or created since the specified date, regardless of invoicee.

[WebMethod(Description = "Retrieves a list of invoices that have been modified since a date")]
public TAuthInvoiceList GetInvoicesModifiedSince(string token, DateTime sinceDate);
string token 
String containing a token. 
DateTime sinceDate 
Datetime for the minimum last modified date of invoices to retrieve. 

TAuthInvoiceList containing a list of invoices, each of which contains a list of invoice line items, that have been modified since the date

This function returns a list of invoices that have been modified or created since the specified date. It can retrieve invoices for different invoicees. 

The sinceDate parameters is a date/time. Only invoices that have been modified or created since this date are returned. 

Please note that retrieving a large number of invoices may be slow and may cause timeouts. 

Each invoice is represented by a TInvoice object. Each of these objects has an InvoiceItems property that contains a list of TInvoiceItem - each of these objects represents a line item on the invoice. The list of invoices is returned in a TAuthInvoiceList object. 

A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no invoices are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. 

Requires a valid registration key entry for the Finance feature. 

This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API.

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