ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
VT_API.GetStudyReasonsForOccurrence Method

Get a list of Study Reasons applicable to an occurrence or booking. 

This is an public AVETMISS list of "reasons for study" that are valid for enrolments in the occurrence, based on the state of the occurrence's location and the reportability of the occurrence. 

Pass in the ID of the occurrence or booking to get study reasons for. 

Each Study Reason item is represented by a TStudyReason. The collection of Study Reason items is represented by a List of TStudyReason

A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no study reasons are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. 

Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. 

This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user.

[WebMethod(Description = "Gets a list of study reasons applicable to an occurrence")]
public TAuthStudyReasonList GetStudyReasonsForOccurrence(string token, int occurrenceId);
string token 
String containing a token. 
int occurrenceId 
Integer of the ID of the occurrence or booking to get study reasons for. 

TAuthStudyReasonList : an authenticated list of Study Reason items applicable to the specified occurrence.

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