ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
VT_API.IsEnrolmentComplete Method

Determine whether an enrolment has been fully and successfully completed.

[WebMethod(Description = "Checks whether an enrolment is complete")]
public TAuthBoolean IsEnrolmentComplete(string token, int enrolmentId);
string token 
String containing an authentication token. 
int enrolmentId 
Integer ID of the enrolment to check for completion. 

TAuthBoolean containing the results. The Result property indicates whether the specified enrolment is complete.

Pass the ID of a normal client enrolment (contract or non-contract), client occurrence enrolment, or employee occurrence enrolment. 

The Result property of the returned TAuthBoolean object indicates whether the specified enrolment is complete. 

The result is true only if:

  • All the units in the enrolment have a result, and
  • All the results in the enrolment are of "complete" type (eg. Competent, RPL, Credit Transfer etc).

If the enrolment contains no units, then the result is true. 

A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, Result is meaningless. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. 

This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API can use it with any parameters, otherwise, the logged-in client can only access their own data.

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