ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
VT_API.SearchForSurname Method

Search for Clients with Surname matching a Search String. 

Returns an Authenticated Basic Client List containing clients whose surname contains the Search String. 

Each Client is represented by a TClie. The collection of Clients is represented by a List of TClie

A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no clients are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. 

The search is NOT case sensitive. Also the search matches a client if the search string is found anywhere in the client's surname. 

The clients matched by the search string are sorted by surname, then given name, in ascending ordering. An integer parameter iMaxRecords, is passed which limits the number of client records returned in the List of TClie.

[WebMethod(Description = "Gets a list of clients with a surname containing the specified search string, up to the specified maximum number of clients")]
public TAuthClieList SearchForSurname(string sToken, string sSearchString, int iMaxRecords);
string sToken 
String Token. 
string sSearchString 
String Search String used to match against Client Surnames. Maximum length 50 characters. 
int iMaxRecords 
Integer maximum number of Client records to be returned. Enter 0 to return an unrestricted list of matching clients. 

TAuthClieList : an Authenticated List of Basic Clients.

Does not include data relating to trainees who decline to have their details published. 

This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API.

The following search strings (amongst many others) would match the name Kevin Rudd:

  • Ru
  • ud
  • ruD
  • Udd
  • rudd
  • RUDD

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