ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
VT_API.UpdateClientRelationship Method

Updates an existing client relationship.

[WebMethod(Description = "Updates a relationship for a client")]
public TAuthenticate UpdateClientRelationship(string token, TClieRelationship clieRelationship);
string token 
String containing an authentication token. 
TClieRelationship clieRelationship 
TClieRelationship containing the client relationship details to update. 

TAuthenticate indicating the result.

The clieRelationship parameter is a TClieRelationship containing updated details of the relationship. Properties are:

  • ClieRelationshipId: Mandatory, must be the ID of an existing client relationship to update. These are returned from GetClientRelationships or AddClientRelationship.
  • RelationshipTypeCode: Optional code of the relationship type. If specified, the relationship type is updated. Refer to TAuthClieRelationshipList for a list. All databases have "EC" for Emergency Contact, and "G" for Parent/Guardian.
  • RelationshipTypeName: Ignored
  • RelationId: Optional ID of the relation. If specified, the relation is updated. Each relationship type has a separately configured list. Refer to TAuthClieRelationshipList for a list.
  • RelationName: Ignored
  • StartDate: Optional start date of relationship. If specified, the start date is updated.
  • EndDate: Optional end date of relationship. If specified, the end date is updated. This can be used to indicate the relationship is no longer active.
  • Description: Optional description of relationship. If specified, the description is updated.
  • ToClient: Optional TRelationshipToClient to use to update the client that the relationship is "to".

The optional ToClient property is a TRelationshipToClient object with the following properties, that can be specified if you wish to update the "to" client:

  • ClientCode: Optional client code of the "to" client. If specified, the "to" client on the relationship is changed to the client with the specified code.
  • GivenName: Ignored
  • Surname: Ignored
  • OtherNames: Optional other names of "to" client. If specified, the "to" client's other names will be updated.
  • Email: Optional email address of "to" client. If specified, the "to" client's email will be updated.
  • MobilePhone: Optional mobile phone number of "to" client. If specified, the "to" client's mobile phone number will be updated.
  • HomePhone: Optional home phone number of "to" client. If specified, the "to" client's home phone number will be updated.

Note this function cannot create a new client for the "to" client. If you want to update the "to" client to a new client, create the client first using a function such as AddClient, then call this function and specify the new client's client code as the ToClient.ClientCode 

A token is passed for authentication. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. 

This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API.

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