ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
TWebe Class
public class TWebe;

Models a Web Enrolment. 

A web enrolment is an enrolment that is instigated by someone accessing a web page. There is a distinction between this and a normal enrolment to allow various checks to be made before data is integrated with that of normal enrolments in the VETtrak database. 

Assuming it passes the checks, data in the web enrolment table will eventually find its way into the enrolment table. 

So effectively, the Web Enrolment class accepts data from a web user and quarantines it until it is validated. 

The properties of the Web Enrolment include:

  • Occu_ID, a reference to the occurrence which is the subject of the enrolment,
  • Stamp, a date/time stamp of when the web enrolment was submitted,
  • Several properties relating to the accounting and finance aspects of the enrolment, for example, Amount, Amount_Paid, Order, Receipt.
  • Webe_Type, the type of web enrolment. This can be a Client enrolment or a Company (Employer) enrolment.

A Web Enrolment is linked to either a Web Client (TWecl) or a Web Company (TWeco) and to an Occurrence.

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