ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
TWebe Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TWebe.

Dollar Amount of Web Enrolment. 
Dollar Amount paid for web enrolment. 
Flag that indicates, when this enrolment is processed, whether to always create a new invoice for this web enrolment, or combine the invoice for this web enrolment with any existing invoice for the invoicee and occurrence.
  • CombineInvoice = 0 => Always create a separate invoice (this is the normal case)
  • CombineInvoice = 1 => Combine with an existing invoice for the invoicee and occurrence if possible. If there is no existing invoice, a new one will be created.
Description of Web Enrolment. 
ID of the 'loose' web employer that is to be invoiced for this web enrolment. If null, the enrolee is to be invoiced 
Flag indicating whether to make an invoice for this Web Enrolment when it is processed:
  • MakeInvoice = 0 => Do not create an invoice
  • MakeInvoice = 1 => Create an invoice
Note that an invoice will always be created for a processed web enrolment if a payment was recorded for it, regardless of what this flag is set to. 
Occurrence ID. Web Enrolment is will be an enrolment in this Occurence. 
Payment Order Number relating to Web Enrolment. This needs to be generated by the web application when requesting processing of a payment from a third party payment server. Maximum length 20 characters. 
Payment instalment frequency of the payment plan.
  • Null = Payment plan is not being used
  • 1 = Weekly
  • 2 = Fortnightly
  • 3 = Monthly
  • 4 = Every 4 weeks
  • 5 = Quarterly
  • 6 = Half yearly
  • 7 = Yearly
The payment amount of each instalment for the payment plan, not including any fees.  
If this web enrolment is being paid using a payment plan, indicates the provider of the payment plan.
  • Null = Payment plan is not being used
  • 0 = Ezidebit
Purchase Order Number relating to Web Enrolment. This goes onto the invoice when created. Maximum length 20 characters. 
Receipt Number for payment relating to Web Enrolment. This is generted by a third party payment provider when a payment is processed. Maximum length 20 characters. 
ID of referral source for the Web Enrolment. 
Date and Time Stamp when web enrolment was made. 
The ID of the reason for study for the Web Enrolment. 
VETenrol registration identifier for the web enrolment  
List of VIC Commencing Program Cohort Identifier codes for the web enrolment. Only applies to web enrolments in VIC occurrences.  
ID of Web Enrolment. 
Type of Web Enrolment.
  • Webe_Type = 0 => Client Web Enrolment.
  • Webe_Type = 1 => Employer Web Enrolment.
  • Webe_Type = 2 => Client Web Reservation.
  • Webe_Type = 3 => Employer Web Reservation.

An Employer Web Enrolment allows multiple employees from a single employer to be enrolled in a single enrolment. On the other hand, a Client Web Enrolment enrols a single person.
A reservation is a partially-completed web enrolment. Reservations are not available to the VETtrak user for processing, but can be updated and converted into a real web enrolment through the API. 
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