ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
VT_API Class

VETtrak API Web Services. 

This ASP.NET (ASMX) web service exposes all available VETtrak API methods. It combines the previously separate Enrol (VT_API_Enrol.asmx), Portals (VT_API_Portals.asmx) and Integrate (VT_API_Integrate.asmx) API web services into a single web service, VT_API.asmx. This API requires a registration for the "VETtrak API" feature to operate. 

This API can be used to integrate online enrolment systems, online student/employer/staff portals, and online learning systems, with VETtrak. 

Before using the API for the first time:

  • Change the settings in the web.config file to configure the API to connect to your VETtrak database.
  • Ensure the registration key in your database contains the "VETtrak API" feature. Use the File -> Global Preferences menu in VETtrak to view and update your Registration Key.

To use the API, first call the ValidateClient or ValidateUser method with a valid VETtrak username and password to obtain a token. This token must then be passed into most of the other methods. 

Some functions require a database configuration XML file to be available. By default, this file is called DatabaseMapping.xml and it is located in the same directory as the ASMX files for the API. The name and location of this file can be changed by setting a DatabaseMappingConfigFile key in the appSettings section of the web.config file. IIS needs read access to this file.

[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class VT_API : System.Web.Services.WebService;
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