The following tables list the members exposed by VT_API.
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Create an award for an enrolment. | |
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Sets the classes for a client on a Web Enrolment. By default, when a Web Enrolment is processed, the client in the new enrolment is assigned to all the classes that are in the occurrence that the Web Enrolment is for. Use this method to choose which classes in the occurrence the client is to be assigned to. The classes must be on the occurrence that the Web Enrolment is for. A Web Enrolment ID (webEnrolId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the function used to create the web enrolment: AddClientWebEnrolment or AddEmployerWebEnrolment.... more | |
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Insert a Client. Create a new Client record and populate fields Clie_Surname, Clie_Given, Clie_Code, Clie_Username, password and DivisionId. Remaining fields will take default values or Null. Note that Clie_Code, Clie_Username and password are automatically generated. Clients must be linked to a division. If you do not specify a division, the client is linked to the Root Division. If VETtrak's security settings are configured to use email addresses for usernames, you should specify the "email" parameter (otherwise the client will have no username and not be able to log in), and there must be no other clients with a username matching... more | |
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Create a Client in VETtrak for a given Client Surname, Given Name and Date of Birth. AddClientAfterCheck checks if the given client details represents an existing client in the VETtrak database. If it does, the existing client is returned. If no matching client exists, a new client record is created and populated with the available details. AddClientAfterCheck can be used to ensure a client exists in VETtrak, before proceeding with other functions. Clients must be linked to a division. If you do not specify a division, the client is linked to the Root Division. If VETtrak's security settings are configured... more | |
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Add a new Client Event. Returns a TAuthID object containing the EventID of the new event. The new Client Event details are represented by a TEven parameter (eEvent). The following properties of the eEvent parameter, and restrictions on their values, are used for the update:
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Adds a new relationship to a client. | |
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Enrol a Client in a Web Occurrence. A Client Web Enrolment is created which links the Web Client to the Occurrence. A Web Occurrence ID (iOccu_ID) is passed as a parameter. To be valid, a Web Occurrence ID must :
Previous to version 4.3.6, a valid web occurrence could not have started before today. That condition has been dropped, so that it is now possible to enrol in any valid web occurrence, regardless of its start or end dates. The web developer can re-impose the previous restriction, if desired, according to... more | |
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Reserves a Client's place in a Web Occurrence. A Client Web Reservation is created which links the Web Client to the Occurrence. A reservation is a type of web enrolment. The Client Web Reservation can be retrieved, updated and deleted like a normal client web enrolment, and takes up a place in the occurrence, except that it is not yet available for processing by a VETtrak user. To "complete" the reservation and turn it into a normal client web enrolment and make it available for processing in VETtrak, use the CompleteWebReservation function. Using a web reservation also allows the user... more | |
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Add a Client to the Waitlist for a Programme. A Client Web Waitlist entry is created which links the Web Client to the Waitlist for the Programme. A Programme ID (programmeId) is passed as a parameter. This programme must be active and allowed to be waitlisted in VETtrak. A TProg has a WaitlistFlag that indicates whether the programme is available for waitlisting. Alternatively, the following functions may be used to find waitlistable programmes: Details of the Web Client (surname, givenName, clientCode, dateOfBirth) are supplied as parameters. The parameter surname must not be empty. If a non-empty... more | |
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Attach an existing client to an employer as a new contact. If the client doesn't already exist, it should be added first using AddClient. If the primaryFlag parameter contains the value 1, this new contact will be made the employer's primary contact and all other contacts for this employer will have their primary flag set to 0. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, the contact is not added. The result of the authentication and update is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed... more | |
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Enrols an employee directly into a private employer booking, or an employer enrolment. A Client Code (clientCode) and an Enrolment ID (enrolmentId) are passed as parameters. The Enrolment ID must be either:
An enrolment is created which links the Client with the Employer's Booking or Enrolment. Both of the above parameters must be valid, otherwise no enrolment will be created. In particular, the Enrolment ID must be for a booking or employer enrolment, and the client must not already be enrolled in the occurrence. If you... more | |
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Create an Employer (ie. company/business) in VETtrak with the specified name. First checks to see if an employer with the specified name already exists, as VETtrak cannot have more than one employer with the same name. If it does, the existing employer is returned. If no matching employer exists, a new employer record is created with the specified name, and the new employer returned. The Empl_Identifier field in the TEmpl will contain the new employer's identifier. AddEmployer can be used to ensure an employer exists in VETtrak, before proceeding with other functions. The returned Employer is represented by a TEmpl.... more | |
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Add a new Employer Event. Returns a TAuthID object containing the EventID of the new event. The new Employer Event details are represented by a TEven parameter (eEvent). The following properties of the eEvent parameter, and restrictions on their values, are used for the update:
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Enrol an Employer in a Web Occurrence. An Employer Web Enrolment is created which links the Web Employer to the Occurrence. A Web Occurrence ID (iOccu_ID) is passed as a parameter. To be valid, a Web Occurrence ID must :
Previous to version 4.3.6, a valid web occurrence could not have started before today. That condition has been dropped, so that it is now possible to enrol in any valid web occurrence, regardless of its start or end dates. The web developer can re-impose the previous restriction, if desired, according to... more | |
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Reserves a Employer's place in a Web Occurrence. A Employer Web Reservation is created which links the Web Employer to the Occurrence. A reservation is a type of web enrolment. The Employer Web Reservation can be retrieved, updated, deleted, and have employees added to it, like a normal employer web enrolment, except that it is not yet available for processing by a VETtrak user. To "complete" the reservation and turn it into a normal employer web enrolment and make it available for processing in VETtrak, use the CompleteWebReservation function. Using a web reservation also allows the user to configure individual... more | |
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Enrol a Client in an LMS Occurrence. A Client Code (sClie_Code) and an LMS Occurrence ID (iOccurrenceId) are passed as parameters. An enrolment is created which links the Client with the Occurrence. Both of the above parameters must be valid, otherwise no enrolment will be created. In particular, the Occurrence must be an LMS occurrence (ENRO_LMS_PUBLISH = 1), and the client must not already be enrolled in the occurrence. If you need to enrol a new client, call AddClient or AddClientAfterCheck first to create the new client, then pass the client's code into this function. The new enrolment record is... more | |
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Creates a 'Loose' Web Employer for further use. Returns a TAuthID that contains the new ID for the 'loose' web employer. There are two uses for a 'Loose' Employer:
Note that a 'Loose' Employer can be attached as an invoicee and/or client employer to any number of web enrolments. The... more | |
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Adds a new position which can be used for client employment. | |
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Sets the pricing items and amounts for a Web Enrolment. By default, when a Web Enrolment is processed, the new enrolment is given all web published pricing items that have been assigned to the occurrence that the Web Enrolment is for, and the total amount is set accordingly. Use this function to set particular pricing items, and particular amounts for those pricing items, to be assigned to the new enrolment. The pricing items must be web published and assigned to the occurrence that the Web Enrolment is for. A Web Enrolment ID (webEnrolId) is passed as a parameter. This should... more | |
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Adds a skill to a client. | |
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Adds units to a client occurrence enrolment. The units must exist on the occurrence that the enrolment is in. An Enrolment ID (enrolmentId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID of an occurrence enrolment. This can be sourced from functions such as GetEnrolmentsForClient or GetEnrolmentsForOccurrence. The parameter unitCodes is a List of strings, indicating the codes of the units to add to the enrolment. The easiest way to get a list of these is to use the GetUnitsForOccurrence function to get a list of all units in the occurrence the Enrolment is in. Any units specified... more | |
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Sets the units for a Web Enrolment. By default, when a Web Enrolment is processed, the new enrolment gets all the non-optional units that are in the occurrence that the Web Enrolment is for. Use this method to choose which units in the occurrence the new enrolment will get. The units must be on the occurrence that the Web Enrolment is for. A Web Enrolment ID (webEnrolId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the function used to create the web enrolment: AddClientWebEnrolment or AddEmployerWebEnrolment. The parameter unitCodes is a List of strings, indicating... more | |
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Adds a new relationship to the client in a client web enrolment. | |
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Add a Web Employee to an Employer Web Enrolment. A Web Employee is a web client who is not directly enrolled, but is part of an Employer Enrolment. AddWebEmployee creates a web Client who links to the Web Employer and the Employer Web Enrolment and who is flagged as a student (rather than a contact person). A Web Enrolment ID (iWebe_ID) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddEmployerWebEnrolment function. Details of the Web Client (sSurname, sGiven Name, DOB and sCode) are supplied as parameters. If a non-empty string is supplied as sCode, an... more | |
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Add an Web Employer Contact. A Web Employer Contact is a web client who is a contact person for a company making an Employer Enrolment. AddWebEmployerContact creates a web Client who links to the Web Employer and the Employer Web Enrolment. A Web Enrolment ID (iWebe_ID) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddEmployerWebEnrolment function. Details of the Web Client (sSurname, sGiven Name, DOB and sCode) are supplied as parameters. If a non-empty string is supplied as sCode, an attempt is made to match the web client details with an existing client record in... more | |
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Record an Invoice for a Web Enrolment. Calling this will cause an invoice to be created for the web enrolment when it is processed. This can be used instead of AddWebPayment to cause an invoice to be created without a payment. It also allows other options for the invoice to be specified, including a purchase order number, the invoicee (either the enrolee or another employer), and whether the invoice should be combined with an existing invoice for the invoicee and occurrence. This can also be used in conjunction with AddWebPayment to specify additional options for the invoice that will be... more | |
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Make a Payment for a Web Enrolment. It is envisaged that this function would be called after the web application has processed a payment using a third party payment provider. After a payment has been processed by the payment gateway, AddWebPayment records the payment details for the enrolment in the VETtrak database. A Web Enrolment ID (iWebe_ID) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the function used to create the enrolment: AddClientWebEnrolment or AddEmployerWebEnrolment. The parameters, sOrder and sRRN, represent the order number sent by the web application to the payment gateway, and the... more | |
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Specify preferences for a payment plan for a web enrolment. If the enrolee wishes to pay for an online enrolment in instalments, call this function to specify the enrolee's preferences for their payment plan for this enrolment. This includes the instalment frequency, and the amount to pay per instalment. Note that this function only pre-populates the payment plan in VETtrak for the invoice generated when this web enrolment is manually processed. It still requires the VETtrak user to complete the setup for the payment plan in VETtrak after processing the web enrolment - the VETtrak user can modify the payment... more | |
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Handshake with the API. This function is used to test the connection from a web application to the API. If the connection is established, a call to this function will return the String (without the quotes): 'You are connected to the API.' If the connection is not established, a call to this function will return an error. | |
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Assigns a loose web employer as the employer for the client. Will fail if the enrolment passed in is not a client enrolment A Client Web Enrolment ID (webEnrolId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddClientWebEnrolment or AddClientWebReservation function. A Web Employer ID (webEmployerId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddLooseWebEmployer function. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API. | |
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Assigns a loose web employer as the employer for the client on a web waitlist entry. A Client Web Waitlist ID (webWaitlistId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddClientWebWaitlist function. A Web Employer ID (webEmployerId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddLooseWebEmployer function. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API. | |
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Indicates whether a proposed new password meets the password policy settings configured in VETtrak. You can use this information to validate passwords that you intend to pass to UpdateClientUsernamePassword. The Valid property in the returned TAuthPasswordCheck indicates whether the password meets password policy. If this is false, you can obtain details about what is wrong with the password in the Details property. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API. | |
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Converts a client or employer web reservation into a real web enrolment, which is able to be processed in VETtrak. May also automatically process the web enrolment if the occurrence is configured to do so. The webEnrolId must be an ID returned from the AddClientWebReservation or AddEmployerWebReservation function. If the occurrence is configured in VETtrak to automatically process web reservations made into it, this will also automatically process the web enrolment. This performs the same functionality as the ProcessWebEnrolment function, with updateMatches on. In this case, the returned TAuthCompleteWebReservation will indicate WasAutoProcessed = true, and the ProcessedWebEnrol field will contain a... more | |
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Handshake with the VETtrak Database via the API. This function is used to test the connection from a web application to the VETtrak Database by using the API to interact with the database. If the connection is established, a call to this function will return the String (without the quotes): 'You are connected to the Database via the API.' | |
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Delete a Web Waitlist. A Web Waitlist ID (webWaitlistId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddClientWebWaitlist function used to create the web waitlist. Successful execution of this function removes applicatable records from the WEBWAITLIST, WEBCLIENT, WEBCLIENTAVETMISS, WCAVDISA and WCAVPRED tables. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, nothing is deleted. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have... more | |
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Deletes a 'Loose' Employer. Will fail if the employer is in use by a web client or invoice. A Web Employer ID (webEmployerId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddLooseWebEmployer function. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API. | |
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Deletes units from an enrolment. An Enrolment ID (enrolmentId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID of a client enrolment. This can be sourced from functions such as GetEnrolmentsForClient or GetEnrolmentsForOccurrence. The parameter unitCodes is a List of strings, indicating the codes of the units to delete from the enrolment. This can be obtained using function such as GetUnitsForEnrolment. The reason parameter will be recorded in the deletion log. An error will occur if any units specified do not exist on the enrolment. An error will occur if any units specified have any result (other... more | |
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Delete a Web Enrolment. A Web Enrolment ID (iWebe_ID) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the function used to create the enrolment: AddClientWebEnrolment or AddEmployerWebEnrolment. If the iWebe_ID parameter specifies an Employer Web Enrolment, DeleteWebEnrolment removes the Employer Web Enrolment and all of the details for all of the Employees linked to the Enrolment. Successful execution of this function removes applicatable records from the WEBENROL, WEBCOMPANY, WEBCLIENT, WEBCLIENTAVETMISS, WCAVDISA and WCAVPRED tables. On the other hand, if iWebe_ID specifies a Client Web Enrolment, DeleteWebEnrolment removes the Client Web Enrolemnt and all of the... more | |
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Check if a UserName, Password combination exists in Client Table. Username and Password are passed as parameters. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no details which relate to the username/password are returned. The result of the authentication and checking is represented by a TAuthenticate object. If the UserName, Password combination exists in a unique record, some details of this record are returned as properties of the returned TAuthenticate object. The TAuthenticate object returned has properties:
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This function is intended to be used by the Process Web Enrolments VETtrak extension only. Use the ProcessWebEnrolment function instead. | |
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This function is intended to be used by the Process Web Enrolments VETtrak extension only. Use the ProcessWebEnrolment function instead. | |
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This function is intended to be used by the Process Web Enrolments VETtrak extension only. Use the ProcessWebEnrolment function instead. | |
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This function is intended to be used by the Process Web Enrolments VETtrak extension only. Use the ProcessWebEnrolment function instead. | |
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Get a list of clients that a user can access. Specify the client code of a VETtrak user. You can also optionally specify a since date, so that only clients added or modified since that date are returned. This function returns a list of clients that the user can access - that is a list of clients that are assigned to any of the divisions, or any descendants of those divisions, that the user is assigned to. Each client is represented by a TClie object. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no clients... more | |
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Get the division tree structure that a user can access. Specify the client code of a VETtrak user (staff member). The tree structure of divisions that the user can access will be returned. A VETtrak user can be granted access to one or more divisions, and being granted access to a division also grants access to all descendant divisions of that division. Each level of the tree is represented by a TDivisionTree object. Each object in turn has a ChildDivisions property which is a List of TDivisionTree, specifying the children of that division. This allows you to recursively traverse the tree.... more | |
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Retrieves a list of entity names which can have data retrieved using QueryAdditionalData. Use the GetAdditionalDataFieldsForEntity function to get the definitions of fields within an entity. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no data will be returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Retrieves definitions for the additional fields available for an entity. Each field is represented by a FieldDefinition. The returned TAuthFieldList contains a list of FieldDefinition. Additional data can be retrieved for existing records using QueryAdditionalData. For an online enrolment, additional data can be set for a web client or web company using UpdateAdditionalDataForWebRecord. Additional data can be set for an existing client or employer using UpdateClientAdditionalFields or UpdateEmployerAdditionalFields, respectively. The entityName parameter is the name of an entity to get the additional field definitions for. Get a list of entity names from QueryAdditionalData. Note that only fields... more | |
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Retrieves the previously-recorded additional data field against an unprocessed web client, employer, employee or contact. This is used to set other non-standard fields in a processed web enrolment. The format of the data is to be an XML string. This contains essentially name-value pairs, mapping additional data field names to values. The recordType parameter is an indentifier of what type of record to update (web client, employer, employee or contact). The recordId parameter is the ID of the record of that type to update. The additional data can be set by calling UpdateAdditionalDataForWebRecord. A token is passed for authentication.... more | |
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Get the version number of the API. This is meant to be a human-readable string. To get the version numbers as separate components for software to read and use, use the GetAPIVersionComponents function instead. This function has security level "Public", and can be accessed by anyone without authentication. | |
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Get the version number of the API as an object that contains properties for each of the version numbers. This is meant to be easier for software to read. To get the version details as a single human-readable string, use the GetAPIVersion function. This function has security level "Public", and can be accessed by anyone without authentication. | |
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Get the Attendance details for a Client in a Training Class. Returns an Authenticated Attendance containing the details of the matching Attendance. The Attendance is represented by a TAtte. An Instance ID (iInst_ID) and client code (sClie_Code) are passed as parameters. iInst_ID must specify a valid training class, and sClie_Code to a valid client, otherwise, no Attendance is returned. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no Attendance is returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function... more | |
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Get the Attendance Type List. This is an authenticated listing of all Attendance Types. Each Attendance Type is represented by a TAtty. The collection of Attendance Types is represented by a List of TAtty. This list contains all attendance types including inactive ones. To see if an attendance type is inactive, look at the Active property. Active = 0 means it's active, Active = 1 means it's inactive. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no Attendance Types are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid... more | |
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Get the Awards List for a Client. This is a listing of all Awards for the Client. Each Award item is represented by a TQucl (Qualification Client). The collection of Award items is represented by a List of TQucl. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no award items are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API can use it with any parameters, otherwise, the logged-in client can only access their own data. | |
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Get awards created or modified since a date. | |
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Get a list of all active award types. | |
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Gets booking details for an Occurrence of a Programme. Returns an Authenticated Booking containing the details of the given Booking. The Booking is represented by a TBooking. This includes all the details of the occurrence (TOccu), as well as the additional booking fields. An Occurrence ID (occurrenceId) is passed as a parameter. occurrenceId must specify a valid Booking, otherwise, no booking is returned. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no occurrence is returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the... more | |
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Gets a list of private corporate bookings for an employer, that overlap a date range. After obtaining a booking, the employer's employees enrolled into that booking can be obtained by using the GetEmployeeEnrolmentsForEmployerEnrolment function. Each booking is represented by a TBooking. The list of bookings is represented by a List of TBooking in the BookingList property in the returned TAuthBookingList. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no data will be returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Bookings feature. This function... more | |
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Get the Classes List for a Client. In this context the term class means an instance where and when training occurs. (As in what occurs in a classroom). This is not to be confused with the notion of a class in software development. This is a listing of all Classes (or Instance items) for which the Client is a student in the class, where the class starts within a date range. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range. These are DateTime objects where the time component is... more | |
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Get the Class (or Instance) List for an Occurrence or Booking. In this context the term class means an instance where and when training occurs. (As in what occurs in a classroom). This is not to be confused with the notion of a class in software development. This is a listing of all Classes (or Instances) linked to an Occurrence or Booking. Each Class (or Instance) is represented by a TInst. The collection of Classes (or Instances) is represented by a List of TInst. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no classes... more | |
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Get the Classes List for a Staff Member. In this context the term class means an instance where and when training occurs. (As in what occurs in a classroom). This is not to be confused with the notion of a class in software development. This is a listing of all Classes (or Instance items) for a single Staff Member, where the class starts within a date range. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range. These are DateTime objects where the time component is significant. They must be... more | |
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Get AVETMISS Details for a Client. Returns an Authenticated Client AVETMISS Detail containing AVETMISS details for a Client. The Client AVETMISS Details are represented by a TClieAVETMISS. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no client details are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API can use it with any parameters, otherwise, the logged-in client can only access their own data. | |
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Get the Client for a given Client Code. GetClientByCode returns the basic client details (Surname, Given Name and Code) which match the given client code. If there is no match for the given code, the properties of the returned client are empty (= ''). GetClientByCode can be used to check if the given code represents a valid client by comparing the given code (sClie_Code) with the Clie_Code property of the returned client. ie. If sClie_Code = GetClientByCode(sToken, sClie_Code).Clie.Clie_Code then " sClie_Code is a VALID Code" else " sClie_Code is an INVALID Code" The Client is represented by a TClie. A... more | |
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Get the Client for a given email address. This returns the basic client details (Surname, Given Name and Code) which match the given email address. Will return the client regardless of whether the client has been web published. If there is no match for the given email address, or more than one client has that email address, an error will be returned in the TAuthenticate. This could be used as an alternative way to find a client if, for example, they can't remember their account details. The Client is represented by a TClie. A token is passed for authentication. If... more | |
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Get the Client for a given Client Surname, Given Name and Date of Birth. This returns the basic client details (Surname, Given Name and Code) which match the given client parameters (Surname, Given Name and Date of Birth). Will return the client regardless of whether the client has been web published. If there is no match for the given client parameters, each of the properties of the returned client is empty (= ''). To check if the given code represents a valid client, compare the given (non-empty) surname (say) with the Clie_Surname property of the returned client. ie.
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Get Details for a Client. Returns an Authenticated Client Detail containing details of a Client. The Client Details are represented by a TClieDetail. If the client has only an AVETMISS 6 format address, but not an AVETMISS 7 format address, the UsualAddress and PostalAddress fields in the returned TClieDetail will contain the AVETMISS 6 address automatically split into parts. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no client details are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted... more | |
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Get Extended Details for a Client. Returns an Authenticated Client Extented Detail containing details of a Client and various lists associated with them. Class and Event lists are restricted to the supplied date range. The Client Extented Details are represented by a TClieExtended. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no client details are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API can use it with any parameters, otherwise, the logged-in client can only... more | |
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Gets a list of relationships for a client. | |
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Get the Client List for a Training Class. This is a listing of all Clients for a single Class (or Instance item). Each Client is represented by a TClie. The collection of Clients is represented by a List of TClie. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no clients are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. | |
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Get a list of clients that are assigned to a division. Specify the integer ID of a division. Can also optionally specify a sinceDate, so that only clients added or modified since the specified date are returned. This function returns a list of clients that are assigned directly to the division. Each client is represented by a TClie object. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no clients are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that... more | |
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Get all Clients for a Host Employer. Returns an Authenticated Basic Client List containing all of the trainees whose latest placement is with the employer. Each Trainee is represented by a TClie. The collection of Trainees is represented by a List of TClie. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no trainees are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. An Employer Identifier is passed as a parameter. Valid Employer Identifiers are string representations of integers which match employers in the database. | |
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Gets a list of clients that are associated with a staff member in various ways. This will return clients that are associated with the staff member through classes, enrolments, contracts and/or events, where those things overlap the specified date range and, optionally, the staff member is assigned with a particular type and/or the status of the enrolments and contracts are of specified types. The results are represented in a list of TClieStaffLinks, one per client that is linked in any way. Each one contains the client itself in a TClie. Each one also contains a list of TStaffLink that describes each... more | |
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Get Contracts for a Client. Returns an Authenticated Contract List containing all of the contracts for a given client. Each Contract is represented by a TCont. The collection of Contracts is represented by a List of TCont. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no contracts are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Trainee Management feature. This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API can use it with any parameters, otherwise, the... more | |
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Get the List of Trainees and Contracts for a Staff Member. This is a listing of all Contracts for which the Staff Member has a role. This function also returns the client (trainee) linked to the contract, and details of the role of the staff member. Each resulting item is refered to as a Contract Staff item. Each Contract Staff item is represented by a TContStaff. The collection of Contract Staff items is represented by a List of TContStaff. Each TContStaff item contains information on the Client, the Contract, and the Staff Member's role under the Contract. A token is passed... more | |
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Get all Contracts and Enrolments for a Client. Returns an Authenticated Contract/Enrolment List containing all of the contracts and enrolments for a given client. Each Contract or Enrolment is represented by a TContEnro. The collection of Contracts and Enrolments is represented by a List of TContEnro. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no contracts or enrolments are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API can use it with any parameters, otherwise, the... more | |
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Get the Country List. This is a listing of the active public domain Country items. Each Country item is represented by a TCoun. The collection of Country items is represented by a List of TCoun. Since this data is public, no authentication is required. The returned Auth is used only for status and messages. | |
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Get the Courses List. This is an authenticated listing of all Courses. Each Course is represented by a TQual. The collection of Courses is represented by a List of TQual. A Course refers to training which is not linked to a training package. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no courses are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Retrieves a list of the identifiers of all records deleted from a particular table since a specified date. The tableName parameter must be one of the following:
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Get the Disability List. This is a listing of all of the public domain Disability items. Each Disability item is represented by a TDisa. The collection of Disability items is represented by a List of TDisa. Since this data is public, no authentication is required. The returned Auth is used only for status and messages. | |
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Get a single division by ID. Specify the integer ID of a division to retrieve. The Division is returned in a TDivision object. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, the division is not returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API. | |
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Get a list of ancestors for a division. This is effectively the path to the division through the division tree. Specify the integer ID of a division to get the ancestors for. Returns a list of divisions, each one represented by a TDivision object. The divisions are in order from the Root Division down to the specified division. Note that the specified division is also included in the return value as the last division in the list. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, the divisions are not returned. The result of the authentication... more | |
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Get a list of all divisions. Each Division is represented by a TDivision object. The collection of Division items is represented by a List of TDivision. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no divisions are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API. | |
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Get the division tree structure starting from a specified division. Specify an integer ID of the division to start the tree from. Specify null or 0 to start at the Root Division and retrieve the entire division tree. Each level of the tree is represented by a TDivisionTree object. Each object in turn has a ChildDivisions property which is a List of TDivisionTree, specifying the children of that division. This allows you to recursively traverse the tree. The root TDivisionTree that is returned will contain the starting division that you specified. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or... more | |
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Gets the list of education history entries recorded for a client. Specify the client code of the client to get education history for. The education history is returned in a list of TEducationHistory objects. This is a list of entries under the Education History node for a client in VETtrak. Each field is a free-text field. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, the education history is not returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted permission to the... more | |
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Gets a list of client enrolments for an employer's employees enrolled into an occurrence or booking. For the specified employer and the specified occurrence or booking, this function returns a list of enrolments (with client names) for all employees in that employer occurrence enrolment or booking. The occurrences that an employer is enrolled in can be obtained by calling the GetOccurrencesForEmployer function. The bookings for an employer can be obtained by calling the GetBookingsForEmployer function. Each employee enrolment is represented by a TClieEnro. The list of enrolments is represented by a List of TClieEnro in the ClieEnroList property in the returned... more | |
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Get all Employees for an Employer. Returns an Authenticated Basic Client List containing all of the employees (in the database) for the employer, according to the Active Status requested. Valid Active Status (parameter iActiveStatus) values are:
Each Employee is represented by a TClie. The collection of Employees is represented by a List of TClie. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no employees are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a... more | |
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Get a list of ancestors for an employer. This is effectively the path to the employer through the employer tree. Specify the identifier of an employer to get the ancestors for. Returns a list of employers, each one represented by a TEmpl object. The employers are in order from the top-most employer down to the specified employer. Note that the specified division is also included in the return value as the last division in the list. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, the employers are not returned. The result of the authentication is... more | |
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Get all Employer Contact Details for an Employer. Returns an Authenticated Employer Contact List containing details each contact for the employer. The Employer Contact Details are represented by a TEmco. The collection of Employer Contacts is represented by a List of TEmco. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no employer contact details are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. An Employer Identifier is passed as a parameter. Valid Employer Identifiers are string representations of integers which match employers in the database. This function has security level... more | |
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Get all Employer Details for an Employer. Returns an Authenticated Employer containing details of the employer. The Employer Details are represented by a TEmpl. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no employer details are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. An Employer Identifier is passed as a parameter. Valid Employer Identifiers are string representations of integers which match employers in the database. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API. | |
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Gets a list of employers that are associated with a client.
The includeAsContact and includeAsEmployee parameters cannot both be false. Returns a TAuthEmplList object containing a list of employers associated with the client. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other... more | |
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Get Employers for a given Parent Employer. Returns an Authenticated Employer List containing a list of all the employers who have the given employer as the parent employer. This is a list of immediate children of the employer. Each Employer is represented by a TEmpl. The collection of Employers is represented by a List of TEmpl. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no employers are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. An Employer Identifier is passed as a parameter. Valid Employer Identifiers are string representations of integers... more | |
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Get the employer tree structure starting from a specified employer. Specify the identifier of the employer to start the tree from. This field is mandatory. Each level of the tree is represented by a TEmployerTree object. Each object in turn has a ChildEmployers property which is a List of TEmployerTree, specifying the children of that employer. This allows you to recursively traverse the tree. The root TEmployerTree that is returned will contain the starting employer that you specified. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no employers are returned. The result of the authentication is... more | |
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Get the Employer Type List. This is a listing of all of the Employer Type items. Each Employer Type item is represented by a TEmty. The collection of Employer Type items is represented by a List of TEmty. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no employer types are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get the Employment Category List. This is a listing of all of the public domain Employment Category items. These are referred to as Labour Force Status in VETtrak. Each Employment Category item is represented by a TEmca. The collection of Employment Category items is represented by a List of TEmca. Since this data is public, no authentication is required. The returned Auth is used only for status and messages. | |
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Retrieves a list of enrolled tasks from all enrolments belonging to a client. | |
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Retrieves a list of enrolled tasks that are mapped to an enrolled unit. | |
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Retrieves a list of enrolled tasks for an enrolment. | |
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Retrieves a list of enrolled tasks from all enrolments within an occurrence or booking. | |
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Retrieves a list of enrolled units that are mapped to an enrolled task. | |
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Get non-contract Enrolments for a Client. Returns an Authenticated Enrolment List containing all of the non-contract enrolments for a given client. Each Enrolment is represented by a TClieEnro. The collection of Enrolments is represented by a List of TClieEnro. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no enrolments are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API can use it with any parameters, otherwise, the logged-in client can only access their own data. | |
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Get the List of Enrolments for an Occurrence or Booking. This is a listing of all Client and Employee Occurrence Enrolments which are linked to a particular Occurrence. The list does not include cancelled enrolments. Each Enrolment is represented by a TClieEnro. The collection of Enrolments is represented by a List of TClieEnro. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no enrolments are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Protected", and can... more | |
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Get Clients and Enrolments for a Staff member. This is a listing of all Enrolments for which the Staff Member has a role, where the Enrolment starts within a date range. This function also returns the client (student) linked to the enrolment, and details of the role of the staff member. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range. These are DateTime objects where the time component is significant. They must be populated with sensible dates (Start > End), otherwise, an input error results. Each resulting item is... more | |
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Get the Event List for a Client. This is a listing of all Events for the Client which start within a date range. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range. These are DateTime objects where the time component is significant. They must be populated with sensible dates (Start > End), otherwise, an input error results. Each Event item is represented by a TEven. The collection of Event items is represented by a List of TEven. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other... more | |
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Get the Event List for an Employer. This is a listing of all Events for the Employer which start within a date range. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range. These are DateTime objects where the time component is significant. They must be populated with sensible dates (Start > End), otherwise, an input error results. Each Employer Event item is represented by a TEven. The collection of Employer Event items is represented by a List of TEven. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails,... more | |
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Get the Event List for a Staff Member. This is a listing of all Events where the Staff Member has a role in the event, including both client and employer type events, where the event starts within a date range. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range. These are DateTime objects where the time component is significant. They must be populated with sensible dates (Start > End), otherwise, an input error results. Each Event item is represented by a TEven. The collection of Event items is represented... more | |
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Get the Event Type List. This is a listing of all of the Event Type items. Each Event Type item is represented by a TEventType. The collection of Staff Type items is represented by a List of TEventType. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no event types are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Event Management feature. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Retrieves a single invoice by unique ID. | |
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Retrieves a list of invoices with specified criteria, regardless of invoicee. | |
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Retrieves a list of invoices made out to a client. | |
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Retrieves a list of invoices made out to an employer. | |
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Retrieves a list of invoices that have been modified or created since the specified date, regardless of invoicee. | |
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Get the Language List. This is a listing of the active public domain Language items. Each Language item is represented by a TLang. The collection of Language items is represented by a List of TLang. Since this data is public, no authentication is required. The returned Auth is used only for status and messages. | |
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Get the List of new LMS Enrolments for an Occurrence. This is a listing of all LMS Client and Employee Occurrence Enrolments which exist in VETtrak but don't exist in the Learning Management System (LMS) for a particular Occurrence. (So these enrolments are new to the LMS.) These are enrolments that are flagged as LMS enrolments, and are not flagged as having been previously created in the LMS. Each Enrolments is represented by a TClieEnro. The collection of Enrolments is represented by a List of TClieEnro. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur,... more | |
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Get the List of LMS Occurrences. This is a listing of all LMS Occurrences which exist in VETtrak but don't exist in the Learning Management System (LMS). These are occurrences that are flagged as LMS occurrences, and are not flagged as having been previously created in the LMS. Each Occurrence is represented by a TOccu. The collection of Occurrences is represented by a List of TOccu. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no occurrences are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. It is envisaged that an LMS... more | |
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Get all LMS Occurrences on offer during a date range. Returns an Authenticated Occurrence List containing all of the LMS Occurrences, which overlap the given date range. Each Occurrence is represented by a TOccu. The collection of Occurrences is represented by a List of TOccu. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no occurrences are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range. An occurrence will be returned in the... more | |
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Get the List of LMS Occurrences that have been created or modified since a date. These are occurrences that are flagged as LMS occurrences, and have been created or modified since a date. An Occurrence will be considered to be modified if it, or any of its classes, units or prices, have been created or modified. Each Occurrences is represented by a TOccu. The collection of Occurrences is represented by a List of TOccu. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no occurrences are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by... more | |
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Get the Locations List. This is an authenticated listing of all Locations. Each Location is represented by a TLoca. The TAuthLocaList contains a List of TLoca A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no locations are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Retrieves the details of a 'Loose' Web Employer by their ID. A Web Employer ID (webEmployerId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddLooseWebEmployer function. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API. | |
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Get details of an Occurrence of a Programme. Returns an Authenticated Occurrence containing the details of the given Occurrence. The Occurrence is represented by a TOccu. An Occurrence ID (iOccu_ID) is passed as a parameter. iOccu_ID must specify a valid Occurrence or Booking, otherwise, no occurrence is returned. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no occurrence is returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated... more | |
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Get Extended Details for an Occurrence. Returns an Authenticated Occurrence Extented Detail containing details of an Occurrence and various lists associated with it. This includes the occurrence's classes, units, prices, staff, study reasons and tasks. Specify the ID of the Occurrence or Booking to get extended details for. It effectively rolls the GetOccurrenceDetails, GetClassesForOccurrence, GetUnitsForOccurrence, GetPricingForOccurrence, GetStaffForOccurrence, GetStudyReasonsForOccurrence and GetTasksForOccurrence functions up into one call. The Occurrence Extended Details are represented by a TOccuExtended. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no occurrence details are returned. The result... more | |
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Gets a list of occurrences that an employer is enrolled in, and that overlap a date range. After obtaining an occurrence, the employer's employees enrolled into that occurrence can be obtained by using the GetEmployeeEnrolmentsForEmployerEnrolment function. Each occurrence is represented by a TOccu. The list of occurrences is represented by a List of TOccu in the OccuList property in the returned TAuthOccuList. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no data will be returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Bookings feature.... more | |
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Gets a list of occurrences that a staff member is associated with in various ways. This will return occurrences that a staff member is associated with through the occurrence itself and/or the occurrence's classes. The occurrence and/or the occurrence's classes dates must overlap the specified date range to be included. For the occurrence itself, you can optionally only include staff members when the staff member is assigned with a particular type. The results are represented in a list of TOccuStaffLinks, one per occurrence that is linked in any way. Each one contains the occurrence itself in a TOccu. Each one... more | |
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Get the Organisation List. This is a listing of all of the Organisations in VETtrak. Most VETtrak databases will return only one organisation, to represent the RTO that is using VETtrak, delivering training, and reporting to the government. If the Multi-RTO extension is being used, there can be multiple organisations returned. Each Organisation is represented by a TOrga. The collection of Organisations is represented by a List of TOrga. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no organisations are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has... more | |
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Retrieves the password policy settings configured in VETtrak. You can use this information to validate passwords that you intend to pass to UpdateClientUsernamePassword. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API. | |
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Get the list of payments that have been made against an invoice. Specify the ID of the invoice to get the payments for. The payments are returned in a list of TPayment objects. The list will contain all payments that affect the invoice in any way. The Amount in each TPayment will be the amount of the payment that was disbursed to the invoice in question - this may not be the full payment amount, if the payment was recorded against multiple invoices. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, the employers are not returned.... more | |
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Get the Payment Type list. | |
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Get the Positions List. This is an authenticated listing of all Positions. Each Position is represented by a TPosition. The collection of Positions is represented by a List of TPosition. A Position refers to a position in a company and is used in client employment. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no positions are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get the Price List for an Occurrence or Booking. This is a listing of all published Price Types and associated Dollar amounts linked to an Occurrence or Booking. Each Price is represented by a TPric. The collection of Prices is represented by a List of TPric. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no prices are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get the Prior Education List. This is a listing of all of the public domain Prior Education items. Each Prior Education item is represented by a TPred. The collection of Prior Education items is represented by a List of TPred. Note that the TPred.Recognition field will not be populated. This field only applies to a specific client's prior education. Since this data is public, no authentication is required. The returned Auth is used only for status and messages. | |
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Get the prior education achievement recognition identifier list. This is a listing of all of the public domain prior education achievement recognition identifier items. Each prior education achievement recognition identifier item is represented by a TPredRecognition. The collection of prior education achievement recognition identifier items is represented by a List of TPredRecognition. Since this data is public, no authentication is required. The returned Auth is used only for status and messages. | |
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Get the Programmes List. This is an authenticated listing of all Programmes. Each Programme is represented by a TProg. The collection of Programmes is represented by a List of TProg. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no programmes are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get the Programme Type List. This is a listing of all of the Programme Type items. Each Programme Type item is represented by a TPrgt. The collection of Programme Type items is represented by a List of TPrgt. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no programme types are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get the Qualifications and Courses List. This is an authenticated listing of all Qualifications and Courses. Each Qualifications or Course is represented by a TQual. The collection of Qualifications and Courses is represented by a List of TQual. A Qualification refers to training which is linked to a training package. A Course refers to training which is not linked to a training package. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no courses are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be... more | |
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Get the Qualifications List. This is an authenticated listing of all Qualifications. Each Qualification is represented by a TQual. The collection of Qualifications is represented by a List of TQual. A Qualification refers to training which is linked to a training package. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no qualifications are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get the list of state-based details for a qualification or course. Data such as hours, points and amounts can vary for the same qualification or course between different Australian states. This function gets a list of all these details for one qualification or course for each state. Each Qualification State detail is represented by a TQualState. The collection of Qualification State details is represented by a List of TQualState. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no qualification states are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function... more | |
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Get the Referral Sources List. This is a listing of all of the referral sources. These are possible answers to the question "how did you find out about us". Each Referral source item is represented by a TReferral. The collection of Referral source items is represented by a List of TReferral. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no referral sources are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Gets a list of relationship type definitions. | |
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Get the Result Type List. This is an authenticated listing of all Result Types. This list contains all result types including inactive ones. To see if an result type is inactive, look at the Active property. Active = 0 means it's active, Active = 1 means it's inactive. Each Result Type is represented by a TRety. The collection of Result Types is represented by a List of TRety. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no Result Types are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has... more | |
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Get the Room List. This is an authenticated listing of all Rooms. Each Room is represented by a TRoom. The collection of Rooms is represented by a List of TRoom. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no Rooms are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get the School Level List. This is a listing of all of the public domain School Level items. Each School Level item is represented by a TScle. The collection of School Level items is represented by a List of TScle. Since this data is public, no authentication is required. The returned Auth is used only for status and messages. | |
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Get a list of all skill definitions. | |
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Get a list of skills for a client. | |
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Determines the status of the business' VETtrak SMS service. This function checks whether the business has the VETtrak SMS service activated and whether the SMS service is online. If it is set up, it also returns the business' current SMS balance. A TAuthSMSStatus object is returned. Refer to the SmsStatus property for the status of the VETtrak SMS service, and the StatusMessage property for more information. The current SMS balance is returned in the SmsBalance property. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no data will be returned. The result of the authentication is... more | |
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Get the Staff List. This is an authenticated listing of all Staff. Each Staff member is represented by a TClie. The collection of staff is represented by a List of TClie. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no staff members are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API. | |
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Get Extended Details for a Staff member. Returns an Authenticated Staff Extented Detail containing details of a Staff member (Client) and various lists associated with them. Lists of classes, enrolments, events, and trainee events are restricted to the supplied date range. The Staff Extented Details are represented by a TStaffExtended. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no staff details are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the... more | |
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Gets a list of staff members that are associated with a client in various ways. This will return staff that are associated with the client through classes, enrolments, contracts and/or events, where those things overlap the specified date range and, optionally, the staff member is assigned with a particular type and/or the status of the enrolments and contracts are of specified types. The results are represented in a list of TClieStaffLinks, one per staff member that is linked in any way. Each one contains the staff member itself in a TClie. Each one also contains a list of TStaffLink that describes... more | |
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Gets a list of staff members that are associated with an occurrence or booking in various ways. This will return staff that are associated with the occurrence through the occurrence itself and/or the occurrence's classes. For the occurrence itself, you can optionally only include staff members when the staff member is assigned with a particular type. The results are represented in a list of TClieStaffLinks, one per staff member that is linked in any way. Each one contains the staff member itself in a TClie. Each one also contains a list of TStaffLink that describes each way that this staff member... more | |
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Get a list of Staff that have been assigned a particular type (such as trainer, supervisor etc). The staffType parameter must be a valid name of a staff type set up in VETtrak. Possible staff types can be obtained by calling the GetStaffTypes function. Each Staff member is represented by a TClie. The collection of staff is represented by a List of TClie. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no staff members are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Protected", and can... more | |
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Get the Staff Type List. This is a listing of all of the Staff Type items. A staff member may be assigned to an enrolment or contract as a staff type, and a staff member may have multiple staff types directly assigned to them. Each Staff Type item is represented by a TStaffType. The collection of Staff Type items is represented by a List of TStaffType. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no staff types are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level... more | |
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Get a list of Study Reasons applicable to an occurrence or booking. This is an public AVETMISS list of "reasons for study" that are valid for enrolments in the occurrence, based on the state of the occurrence's location and the reportability of the occurrence. Pass in the ID of the occurrence or booking to get study reasons for. Each Study Reason item is represented by a TStudyReason. The collection of Study Reason items is represented by a List of TStudyReason. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no study reasons are returned. The... more | |
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Get a list of Study Reasons applicable to an Australian state. This is an public AVETMISS list of "reasons for study" that are valid for enrolments in that state. Pass in the short name of the state to get study reasons for (eg. "Vic", "NSW" etc), or pass an empty string or "NAT" to get a list of nationally reportable study reasons. Each Study Reason item is represented by a TStudyReason. The collection of Study Reason items is represented by a List of TStudyReason. Since this data is public, no authentication is required. The returned Auth is used only for... more | |
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Get a list of suburbs/cities/towns. By default, it will return a complete list of all suburbs. This is more than 16,000 records. To narrow down the list, specify a state and/or since date. If a state is specified, only suburbs belonging to that state/territory will be returned. If a sinceDate is specified, only suburbs that have been created or modified since that date will be returned. Returns a list of suburbs, each one represented by a TSuburb object. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, the suburbs are not returned. The result of the... more | |
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Retrieves a list of all task definitions. | |
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Retrieves a list of task definitions from all enrolments belonging to a client. | |
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Retrieves a list of task definitions for an occurrence or booking. | |
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Retrieves a list of all task statuses. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get the Trainee Event List for a Staff Member. This is a listing of all Events for all Trainees for which the Staff Member has a role, where the event starts within a date range. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range. These are DateTime objects where the time component is significant. They must be populated with sensible dates (Start > End), otherwise, an input error results. Each Event item is represented by a TEven. The collection of Event items is represented by a List of TEven.... more | |
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Get all Trainees and Employees for an Employer. Returns an Authenticated Basic Client List containing all of the trainees and employees for the employer, according to an Active Contract Flag (parameter bActive) and an Active Employee Status (parameter iActiveStatus) passed as parameters. Each Trainee or Employee is represented by a TClie. The collection of Trainees and Employees is represented by a List of TClie. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no trainees or employees are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. An Employer Identifier is passed as... more | |
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Get all Trainees for an Employer. Returns an Authenticated Basic Client List containing all of the trainees for the employer, according to an Active Contract Flag (parameter bActive) passed as a parameter. Each Trainee is represented by a TClie. The collection of Trainees is represented by a List of TClie. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no trainees are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. An Employer Identifier is passed as a parameter. Valid Employer Identifiers are string representations of integers which match employers in the database.... more | |
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Get the details of a single unit by unit code. Specify the code of a unit to get the details for. The unit details are returned in a TUnit object. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, the employers are not returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get the Unit List for a Training Class. This is a listing of all Units for a single Class (or Instance item). Each Unit is represented by a TUnit. The collection of Units is represented by a List of TUnit. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no units are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get all Enrolment Units for a Contract. Returns an Authenticated Enrolment Unit List containing all of the enrolment units for a given contract. Each Enrolment Unit is represented by a TEnun. The collection of Enrolment Units is represented by a List of TEnun. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no enrolment units are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Trainee Management feature. This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API can... more | |
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Get all Enrolment Units for an Enrolment. Returns an Authenticated Enrolment Unit List containing all of the enrolment units for a given enrolment. Each Enrolment Unit is represented by a TEnun. The collection of Enrolment Units is represented by a List of TEnun. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no enrolment units are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API can use it with any parameters, otherwise, the logged-in client can only... more | |
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Get all Enrolment Units for an Enrolment, including linked units. Returns an Authenticated Enrolment Unit List containing all of the enrolment units for a given enrolment, including appropriate linked unit enrolments. Each Enrolment Unit is represented by a TEnun. The collection of Enrolment Units is represented by a List of TEnun. This list will also include any "linked units". When getting units for a client occurrence enrolment, if the occurrence enrolment is linked to any of the client's other enrolments, and the occurrence contains a unit that the other linked enrolment also contains, the enrolled unit from the other linked... more | |
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Get the Unit List for an Occurrence or Booking. This is a listing of all Units linked to an Occurrence or Booking. Each Unit is represented by a TUnit. The collection of Units is represented by a List of TUnit. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no units are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get the Unit List for a Qualification or Course. This is an authenticated listing of all Qualification Units that comprise a Qualification or Course. Each Qualification Unit is represented by a TQuun. The collection of Qualification Units is represented by a List of TQuun. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no qualification units are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get the list of state-based details for a unit or module. Data such as hours, points and amounts can vary for the same unit or module between different Australian states. This function gets a list of all these details for one unit or module for each state. Each Unit State detail is represented by a TUnitState. The collection of Unit State details is represented by a List of TUnitState. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no unit states are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function... more | |
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Get the VIC Commencing Program Cohort Identifier List. This is a listing of all of the public domain VIC Commencing Program Cohort Identifiers. Each VIC Commencing Program Cohort Identifier item is represented by a TVicCohort. The collection of VIC Commencing Program Cohort Identifier items is represented by a List of TVicCohort. Since this data is public, no authentication is required. The returned Auth is used only for status and messages. | |
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Get the Visa Type List. This is a listing of all of the Visa Type items. Each Visa Type item is represented by a TVity. The collection of Visa Type items is represented by a List of TVity. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no visa types are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get the waitlistable Programmes List. This is an authenticated listing of all active Programmes that are allowed to have a waitlist. Each Programme is represented by a TProg. The collection of Programmes is represented by a List of TProg. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no programmes are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any authenticated user. | |
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Get a list of waitlistable Programmes of a particular type. This is an authenticated listing of active Programmes that are of the specified programme type and are allowed to have a waitlist. A Programme Type Name is passed as a parameter: programmeTypeName. See GetWaitlistProgrammeTypes for a listing of all Programme Types that contain waitlistable programmes. Get the name from a TPrgt from the Prgt_Name property. Each Programme is represented by a TProg. The collection of Programmes is represented by a List of TProg. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no programmes are returned.... more | |
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Get a list of Programme Types that contain at least one waitlistable Programme. This is an authenticated listing of all active Programme Types that contain at least one active programme that is allowed to have a waitlist. Each Programme Type is represented by a TPrgt. The collection of Programmes Types is represented by a List of TPrgt. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no programmes are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Short Courses feature. This function has security... more | |
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Get the Web Clients for an Occurrence. This is a listing of all Web Clients who have made a Client Web Enrolment in a particular Occurrence. Each Web Client is represented by a TWecl. The collection of Web Clients is represented by a List of TWecl. An Occurrence ID (iOccu_ID) is passed as a parameter. iOccu_ID must specify a web occurrence (a published Occurrence). A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, Web Clients are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the... more | |
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Get the Web Employees for an Employer Web Enrolment. This is a listing of all Web Employees who are linked to a particular Employer Web Enrolment. Each Web Employee is represented by a TWecl. The collection of Web Employees is represented by a List of TWecl. A web enrolment ID (iWebe_ID) is passed as a parameter. iWebe_ID must specify an Employer Web Enrolment. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, Web Clients are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the Bookings... more | |
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Get the Web Employees for an Occurrence. This is a listing of all Web Employees who are linked to Web Employers who have made an Employer Web Enrolment in a particular Occurrence. Each Web Employee is represented by a TWecl. The collection of Web Employees is represented by a List of TWecl. An Occurrence ID (iOccu_ID) is passed as a parameter. iOccu_ID must specify a web occurrence (a published Occurrence). A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, Web Clients are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a... more | |
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Get the Web Employers for an Occurrence. This is a listing of all Web Employers who have made an Employer Web Enrolment in a particular Occurrence. Each Web Employer is represented by a TWeco. The collection of Web Employees is represented by a List of TWeco. An Occurrence ID (iOccu_ID) is passed as a parameter. iOccu_ID must specify a web occurrence (a published Occurrence). A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, Web Employers are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a valid registration key entry for the... more | |
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Get details of a Web Enrolment. This is a listing of details of a particular Web Enrolment. The Web Enrolment is represented by a TWebe. A web enrolment ID (iWebe_ID) is passed as a parameter. iWebe_ID must specify a valid Web Enrolment, which can be either a Client Web Enrolment or an Employer Web Enrolment. This function could be used to verify changes to the enrolment. In particular, it might be used after the AddWebPayment function has been called. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no Web Enrolment is returned. The result... more | |
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Gets a list of locations for web-published occurrences with available places, that are for a specified programme and/or start in a specified date range. You can use this function to give a user a list of available locations to filter by. After the user selects a location, you can call SearchWebOccurrences to find details of occurrences with that location. Either a programmeId, or a startDate and endDate, or both, need to be specified. You can use GetWebProgrammes, GetWebProgrammesForDates, GetWebProgrammesForProgType or GetWebProgrammesForProgTypeAndDates to find a programmeId to filter by. The test for web occurrence start date, being within the... more | |
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Get the List of available Web Occurrences. This is a listing of all of the Occurrences, which have available places. Web occurrence means an occurrence which is published on the web. Available places means that the number of students enroled is less than the maximum number allowed for the occurrence. Each Occurrence item is represented by a TOccu. The collection of Occurrence items is represented by a List of TOccu. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no programmes are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. Requires a... more | |
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Get the List of available Web Occurrences in a Date Range. This is a listing of all of the Occurrences, which start within the date range and have available places. Web occurrence means an occurrence which is published on the web. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range where the time component is significant. They must be populated with sensible dates (Start > End, is not considered sensible), otherwise, an input error results. The test for web occurrence start date, being within the date range, is inclusive... more | |
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Get the List of available Web Occurrences for a Programme. This is a listing of all of the Occurrences of a given Programme, which have available places. Web occurrence means an occurrence which is published on the web. A Programme ID is passed as a parameter: iProg_ID. Available places means that the number of students enroled is less than the maximum number allowed for the occurrence. Each Occurrence item is represented by a TOccu. The collection of Occurrence items is represented by a TOccu. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no programmes... more | |
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Get the List of available Web Occurrences for a Programme in a Date Range. This is a listing of all of the Occurrences of a given Programme, which start within the date range and have available places. Web occurrence means an occurrence which is published on the web. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range where the time component is significant. They must be populated with sensible dates (Start > End, is not considered sensible), otherwise, an input error results. The test for web occurrence start date,... more | |
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Get the List of available Web Occurrences that have been changed since a date for a Programme in a Date Range. This is a listing of all of the Occurrences, that have been created or modified since a date, of a given Programme, which start within the date range and have available places. Only Occurrences that have been created or modified after the supplied sinceDate will be returned. An Occurrence will be considered to be modified if it, or any of its classes, units or prices, have been created or modified. Web occurrence means an occurrence which is published on... more | |
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Get all Web Occurrences on offer during a date range. Returns an Authenticated Occurrence List containing all of the Web Occurrences, which overlap the given date range. Each Occurrence is represented by a TOccu. The collection of Occurrences is represented by a List of TOccu. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no occurrences are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range. An occurrence will be returned in the... more | |
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Get all Web Occurrences on offer during a date range for a programme. Returns an Authenticated Occurrence List containing all of the Web Occurrences, which overlap the given date range, and are in the specified programme. Each Occurrence is represented by a TOccu. The collection of Occurrences is represented by a List of TOccu. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no occurrences are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. A date range is passed as two parameters, rangeStart and rangeEnd, which define the end points of the... more | |
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Get the List of available Web Programmes. This is a listing of all of the Programme items, for which there is a web occurrence which has available places. Web occurrence means an occurrence which is published on the web. Available places means that the number of students enroled is less than the maximum number allowed for the occurrence. Each Programme item is represented by a TProg. The collection of Programme items is represented by a List of TProg. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no programmes are returned. The result of the... more | |
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Get the List of available Web Programmes in a Date Range. This is a listing of all of the Programmes, for which there is a web occurrence starting within the date range and having available places. Web occurrence means an occurrence which is published on the web. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range. These are DateTime objects where the time component is significant. They must be populated with sensible dates (Start > End, is not considered sensible), otherwise, an input error results. The test for web... more | |
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Get the List of available Web Programmes in a Date Range that have been created or modified since a date. This is a listing of all of the Programmes created or modified since a date, for which there is a web occurrence starting within the date range and having available places. Only Programmes that have been created or modified after the supplied sinceDate will be returned. A Programme will be considered to be modified if it, any of its web occurrences with available places, or any of those occurrence's classes, units or prices, have been created or modified. Web occurrence... more | |
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Get the List of available Web Programmes for a Programme Type. This is a listing of all of the Programmes of a given Programme Type, for which there is a web occurrence having available places. Web occurrence means an occurrence which is published on the web. Available places means that the number of students enroled is less than the maximum number allowed for the occurrence. A Programme Type Name is passed as a parameter: sPrgt_Name. See GetProgrammeTypeList for a listing of all Programme Types. Each Programme item is represented by a TProg. The collection of Programme items is represented by... more | |
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Get the List of available Web Programmes for a Programme Type in a Date Range. This is a listing of all of the Programmes of a given Programme Type, for which there is a web occurrence starting within the date range and having available places. Web occurrence means an occurrence which is published on the web. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range. These are DateTime objects where the time component is significant. They must be populated with sensible dates (Start > End, is not considered sensible),... more | |
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Get the List of available Web Programme Types. This is a listing of all of the Programme Type items, for which there is a web occurrence with available places. Web occurrence means an occurrence which is published on the web. Available places means that the number of students enroled is less than the maximum number allowed for the occurrence. Each Programme Type item is represented by a TPrgt. The collection of Programme Type items is represented by a List of TPrgt. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no programme types are returned.... more | |
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Get the List of available Web Programme Types in a Date Range. This is a listing of all of the Programme Type items, for which there is a web occurrence which starts within the date range and has available places. Web occurrence means an occurrence which is published on the web. A date range is passed as two parameters, xsdStart and xsdEnd, which define the end points of the date range. They must be populated with sensible dates (Start > End, is not considered sensible), otherwise, an input error results. The test for web occurrence start date, being within the... more | |
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Retrieves a web waitlist entry. | |
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Determine whether an enrolment has been fully and successfully completed. | |
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Automatically processes a web enrolment to turn it into a real enrolment without human intervention. | |
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Automatically processes a web waitlist entry to turn it into a real waitlist entry without human intervention. | |
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Queries a VETtrak entity in the VETtrak database with the specified criteria and returns the specified data. | |
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Records a payment against an existing invoice. | |
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Remove a contact from an employer. This does not delete the client, it removes the link between the client and the employer, so the client is no longer a contact for the employer. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, the contact is not removed. The result of the authentication and update is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API. | |
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Search for Employers with a name matching a search string. Use searchOption to specify how to match the searchString to the employer names. Options are contains search, starts with search, and exact match. The sinceDate parameter is optional. If it is specified, only employers created or last modified since the specified date/time are returned. The search is NOT case sensitive. Returns an Authenticated Employer List containing employers who match the specified criteria. Each Employer is represented by a TEmpl. The collection of matching Employers is represented by a List of TEmpl. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication... more | |
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Search for Clients with Surname matching a Search String. Returns an Authenticated Basic Client List containing clients whose surname contains the Search String. Each Client is represented by a TClie. The collection of Clients is represented by a List of TClie. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no clients are returned. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. The search is NOT case sensitive. Also the search matches a client if the search string is found anywhere in the client's surname. The clients matched by the search string are... more | |
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Searches for web-published occurrences with the specified criteria. Can return additional details about each occurrence. Any combination of a programmeId, date range, and location, to filter the occurrences by, may be specified. At least one of these must be specified. programmeId is the ID of a programme to filter occurrences by. You can use GetWebProgrammes, GetWebProgrammesForDates, GetWebProgrammesForProgType or GetWebProgrammesForProgTypeAndDates to find a programmeId to filter by. Specify 0 or null to not filter occurrences by programme. startDate and endDate is the date range to filter occurrences by. If either is specified, both must be specified. Specify overlapDates =... more | |
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Sends a batch of SMS messages to clients in VETtrak and/or mobile numbers, using the VETtrak SMS service. To use this function, the VETtrak database must contain a registration key for the SMS Extension, and the business must have sufficient SMS credits. Errors will be returned if either of these are not the case. Use the VETtrak support centre website to purchase additional SMS credits. Note that each SMS message sent through this function will be deducted from the business' prepaid SMS balance. The same messageContent is sent to all the specified smsRecipients. The list of recipients is specified in... more | |
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Sends a single SMS message to a mobile number, using the VETtrak SMS service. To use this function, the VETtrak database must contain a registration key for the SMS Extension, and the business must have sufficient SMS credits. Errors will be returned if either of these are not the case. Use the VETtrak Support Centre website to purchase additional SMS credits. Note that each SMS message sent through this function will be deducted from the business' prepaid SMS balance. The same messageContent is sent to the mobile phone number mobileNumber. To send the message at a later time, specify the... more | |
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Starts the password reset process for a user via a VETtrak web portal. | |
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Sets or updates additional data fields against a web client, employer, employee or contact. | |
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Update the Attendance for a Client in a Training Class. Use this function to set or change the attendance recorded for a client at a class. Updating the attendance includes setting the name of the attendance type, start and finish dates and times, and notes. If an attendance record already exists for the given client and class, then that attendance record is updated by this function. If no attendance record exists for the given client and class, then an attendance record is created by this function. A class ID (iInst_ID) is passed as a parameter. iInst_ID must specify a valid... more | |
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Updates various additional data fields for a client. | |
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Update AVETMISS Details for a Client by passing a TClieAVETMISS object. Returns a TAuthenticate object. The new Client AVETMISS Details are represented by a TClieAVETMISS parameter (cavClient). All properties of cavClient are used for the update, so ensure any properties which are to remain unchanged are populated with current values. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no client AVETMISS details are updated. The result of the authentication and update is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API can use it with any... more | |
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Update Details for a Client by passing a TClieDetail object. Returns a TAuthenticate object. The new Client Details are represented by a TClieDetail parameter (cClient). All properties (except Clie_Username) of cClient are used for the update, so ensure any properties which are to remain unchanged are populated with current values. An exception is the DivisionId - if you set it to 0, it will not change the client's current division. If the email address of a client is updated, and that client's username was matching their email address, the client's username will also be updated to match the new email address - this... more | |
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Update a Client Event. Returns a TAuthenticate object. The new Client Event details are represented by a TEven parameter (eEvent). Ensure any required properties, which are to remain unchanged, are populated with current values. The following properties of the eEvent parameter, and restrictions on their values, are used for the update:
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Updates an existing client relationship. | |
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Updates a skill on a client. | |
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Updates all enrolments that a client has in a task. | |
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Update the Username/Password for a Client. Returns a TAuthenticate object. Proposed new Username and Password are passed as parameters. Username must be unique, otherwise the update does not occur. If a password policy has been configured in VETtrak, the new password must meet the policy rules. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, no client details are updated. The result of the authentication and update is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Restricted". Users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API can use it with any parameters, otherwise, the... more | |
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Update the details of a Web Client attached to a waitlist entry. A Client Web Waitlist must have previously been created, see AddClientWebWaitlist. This function records Client details for the given Web Waitlist. A Web Waitlist ID (webWaitlistId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddClientWebWaitlist function. It is not possible to change the client's fundamental data which was used to create the enrolment. If it is necessary to change any of surname, given name, Date of Birth or Code, then it will be necessary to delete the waitlist and start again. This... more | |
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Update the AVETMISS details of a Web Client attached to a waitlist entry. A Client Web Waitlist must have previously been created, see AddClientWebWaitlist. This function records AVETMISS details for the Client in the given Web Waitlist. Any existing AVETMISS details for the Web Client are replaced. A Web Waitlist ID (webWaitlistId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddClientWebWaitlist function. This function should not be used to update details of clients who are part of a Client Web Enrolment. In these cases, use UpdateWebClientAVETMISS. A token is passed for authentication. If... more | |
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Update a configuration setting. | |
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Updates various additional data fields for an employer. | |
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Update the primary contact flag for an Employer Contact. Returns a TAuthenticate object. If the iEmco_Primary parameter contains the value 1, all other contacts for this employer will have their primary flag set to 0. In other words, only one (at most) contact can be the primary contact for an employer. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, the primary contact flag is not updated. The result of the authentication and update is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been... more | |
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Update Details for an Employer by passing a TEmpl object. Returns a TAuthenticate object. The new Employer Details are represented by a TEmpl parameter (eEmpl). All properties of eEmpl are used for the update, so ensure any properties which are to remain unchanged are populated with current values. If you do not specify or populate BusinessAddress or PostalAddress, the AVETMISS 6 address format fields that you specify in the TEmpl will be automatically updated into the AVETMISS 7 format address fields as well. If you do specify BusinessAddress or PostalAddress, those addresses will be used for the update, and anything you've specified... more | |
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Update an Employer Event. Returns a TAuthenticate object. The new Employer Event details are represented by a TEven parameter (eEvent). Ensure any required properties, which are to remain unchanged, are populated with current values. The following properties of the eEvent parameter, and restrictions on their values, are used for the update:
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Updates the status and dates of an enrolled task. | |
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Update the LMS Status of an (LMS) Enrolment. Use this function to change the LMS Status of an LMS Enrolment. In this context, an LMS Enrolment means a client occurrence enrolment in VETtrak which belongs to an occurrence that has the ENRO_LMS_PUBLISH flag set to 1. The LMS Status is the ENRO_LMS_STATUS field of an Enrolment record. An Enrolment ID (iID) is passed as a parameter. iID must specify an Enrolment which is an LMS Enrolment, otherwise, the LMS Status is not updated. Valid values of LMS Status are:
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Set the LMS Status of an (LMS) Occurrence. Use this function to change the LMS Status of an LMS Occurrence. In this context, an LMS Occurrence means an Occurrence in VETtrak which has the ENRO_LMS_PUBLISH flag set to 1. The LMS Status is the value of the ENRO_LMS_STATUS field of an Occurrence record. An Occurrence ID (iID) is passed as a parameter. iID must specify an Occurrence which is an LMS Occurrence, otherwise, the LMS Status is not updated. Valid values of LMS Status are:
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Update the details of a 'Loose' Web Employer (aka Web Company). An 'Loose' Employer must have previously been created, see AddLooseWebEmployer. This function records Employer details for the given Web Employer ID. A Web Employer ID (webEmployerId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddLooseWebEmployer function. The function GetLooseWebEmployer can be used to retrieve the details that are updated by this function. This function should not be used to update details of employers who are enrolled via an Employer Web Enrolment. If these cases, use UpdateWebEmployer. A token is passed for authentication.... more | |
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Update the result of a Unit of an Enrolment. Use this function to set or change the result of an Enrolment Unit. Updating the result includes setting the result type, start and finish dates, percentage (assessment score) and the staff member who made the update. An Enrolment ID (iEnro_ID) is passed as a parameter. iEnro_ID must specify a valid Enrolment, otherwise, the Result is not updated. A Unit Code (sUnit_Code) is passed as a parameter. sUnit_Code must specify a valid Unit Code which is a linked to the Enrolment (iEnro_ID), otherwise, the Result is not updated. A Result Name (sResult_Name)... more | |
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Update the comment against an enrolled unit. Use this function to set or change the comment recorded against an Enrolment Unit. The new comment replaces any existing comment that may be already against the enrolled unit. An Enrolment ID (enrolmentId) is passed as a parameter. enrolmentId must specify a valid Enrolment, otherwise, the Result is not updated. A Unit Code (unitCode) is passed as a parameter. unitCode must specify a valid Unit Code which is a linked to the Enrolment (enrolmentId), otherwise, the comment is not updated. The comment (comment) is passed as a parameter. This is a string of... more | |
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Update the result of a Unit of an Enrolment, including any linked units. Use this function to set or change the result of an Enrolment Unit. Updating the result includes setting the result type, start and finish dates, percentage (assessment score) and the staff member who made the update. An Enrolment ID (enrolmentId) is passed as a parameter. enrolmentId must specify a valid Enrolment, otherwise, the Result is not updated. A Unit Code (unitCode) is passed as a parameter. unitCode must specify a valid Unit Code which is a linked to the Enrolment (enrolmentId) or is within another enrolment that... more | |
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Update the details of a Web Client. A Client Web Enrolment must have previously been created, see AddClientWebEnrolment. This function records Client details for the given Web Enrolment. A Web Enrolment ID (iWebe_ID) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddClientWebEnrolment function. It is not possible to change the client's fundamental data which was used to create the enrolment. If it is necessary to change any of surname, given name, Date of Birth or Code, then it will be necessary to delete the enrolment and start again. This function should not be used... more | |
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Update the AVETMISS details of a Web Client. A Client Web Enrolment must have previously been created, see AddClientWebEnrolment. This function records AVETMISS details for the Client in the given Web Enrolment. Any existing AVETMISS details for the Web Client are replaced. A Web Enrolment ID (iWebe_ID) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddClientWebEnrolment function. This function should not be used to update details of clients who are part of an Employer Web Enrolment. In these cases, use UpdateWebEmployeeAVETMISS. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other... more | |
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Update the details of a Web Employee. A Web Employee is a person (Client) who is enrolled in training under an Employer Enrolment. An Employer Web Enrolment must have previously been created, see AddEmployerWebEnrolment, and the Employee must have been added, see AddWebEmployee. A Web Client ID (iWecl_ID) is passed as a parameter. iWecl_ID should be the ID returned by the AddWebEmployee function. UpdateWebEmployee should not be used to update details of clients enrolled as individuals, rather than as part of an Employer Web Enrolment. In these cases, use UpdateWebClient. It is not possible to change the... more | |
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Update the AVETMISS details of a Web Employee. A Web Employer Enrolment must have previously been created, see AddEmployerWebEnrolment. This function records AVETMISS details for the Employee in the given Web Employer Enrolment. Any existing AVETMISS details for the Web Employee are replaced. A Web Enrolment ID (iWebe_ID) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddEmployerWebEnrolment function. This function should not be used to update details of clients who are individually enrolled into a Web Enrolment. In these cases, use UpdateWebClientAVETMISS. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or... more | |
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Update the details of a Web Employer (aka Web Company). An Employer Web Enrolment must have previously been created, see AddEmployerWebEnrolment. This function records Employer details for the given Web Enrolment. A Web Enrolment ID (iWebe_ID) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddEmployerWebEnrolment function. It is not possible to change the Employer's fundamental data which was used to create the enrolment. If it is necessary to change either the company name or Identifier, then it will be necessary to delete the enrolment and start again. This function should not be used to... more | |
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Update the details of a Web Employer Contact. A Web Employer Contact is a person (Client) who is assigned as a contact for an Employer Enrolment. An Employer Web Enrolment must have previously been created, see AddEmployerWebEnrolment, and the Contact must have been added, see AddWebEmployerContact. A Web Client ID (iWecl_ID) is passed as a parameter. iWecl_ID should be the ID returned by the AddWebEmployerContact function. UpdateWebEmployee should not be used to update details of clients enrolled as individuals, or as part of an Employer Web Enrolment. In these cases, use UpdateWebClient or UpdateWebEmployee. It is not... more | |
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Update the details of a Web Enrolment. A Client or Employer Web Enrolment must have previously been created, see AddClientWebEnrolment or AddEmployerWebEnrolment. This function updates the description and reason for study for the given Web Enrolment. A Web Enrolment ID (webEnrolId) is passed as a parameter. This should be the ID returned by the AddClientWebEnrolment or AddEmployerWebEnrolment function. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, nothing is updated . The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. The only mandatory parameters are token and webEnrolId. An empty string can be... more | |
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Validate a Client. A Client attempts to authenticate by passing a Client username and password. If authentication is successful, a Token is generated. If authentication is unsuccessful, an empty token ('') is returned in the Token property. Many functions performing operations with sensitive data, require a Token and return a TAuthenticate Object. The Token generated in this function should be passed to other functions requiring a Token. This function is the same as ValidateUser. This function has security level "Public", and can be accessed by anyone without authentication. | |
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Validate a User. A User attempts to authenticate by passing a username and password. The User can be of type Client or Staff. The User's Type is returned in the TokenType property of the result. If authentication is successful, a Token is generated, and a TAuthenticate is returned with the properties:
If authentication is unsuccessful, no Token is generated, and a TAuthenticate is returned with the properties:
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Validates a USI (Unique Student Identifier). This is intended to be used during user input (eg. during an online enrolment) to check that a student has entered a valid USI. Note that currently this function only checks that the USI is well-formed. It does not communicate with the USI web services to formally verify that the USI is valid. A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, the USI is not validated. The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. This function has security level "Unrestricted", and can be accessed by any... more | |
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Verifies whether an award/certificate exists, based on the client's name and award parchment number, and if so, returns its details. Specify the given name, surname and parchment number of an award to verify. The surname and parchmentNumber fields are mandatory. For a single-name client, specify the single name in the surname field, and leave the givenName blank. If the specified details exactly match a single award in VETtrak, and that award is marked as being available for verification in VETtrak, the details of the award and its units are returned in a TQucl object. A token is passed for authentication. If... more | |
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For use by VETenrol only | |
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For use by VETenrol only |
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