ASP.NET VETtrak API web services
VT_API.UpdateWebEmployee Method

Update the details of a Web Employee. 

A Web Employee is a person (Client) who is enrolled in training under an Employer Enrolment. 

An Employer Web Enrolment must have previously been created, see AddEmployerWebEnrolment, and the Employee must have been added, see AddWebEmployee

A Web Client ID (iWecl_ID) is passed as a parameter. iWecl_ID should be the ID returned by the AddWebEmployee function. 

UpdateWebEmployee should not be used to update details of clients enrolled as individuals, rather than as part of an Employer Web Enrolment. In these cases, use UpdateWebClient

It is not possible to change the Employee's fundamental data (surname, given name, Date of Birth or Code) which was used to add him/her to the employer's enrolment. 

The developer of the Web Application is encouraged to perform any desired validation of user entered data, prior to submitting data to the API via functions like AddWebEmployee

A token is passed for authentication. If the authentication fails, or other errors occur, nothing is updated . The result of the authentication is represented by a TAuthenticate object. 

The only mandatory parameters are sToken and iWecl_ID. An empty string can be passed for any other parameters. 

Requires a valid registration key entry for the Bookings feature. 

This function has security level "Protected", and can only be accessed by users that have explicitly been granted permission to the API.

[WebMethod(Description = "Records the specified additional data against the existing enrolled employee specified by the web client ID")]
public TAuthenticate UpdateWebEmployee(string sToken, int iWecl_ID, string sOther, string sTitle, string sGender, string sAddr, string sCity, string sPCode, string sShortState, string sHomePhone, string sWorkPhone, string sMobilePhone, string sEmail, string sEmergencyName, string sEmergencyPhone, string sEmergencyMobile, string postalAddr, string postalCity, string postalPCode, string postalShortState, int? divisionId, string usi, TAddress usualAddress, TAddress postalAddress, string surveyContactStatusCode);
string sToken 
String containing a token. 
int iWecl_ID 
Integer ID of Contact who is part of a Employer Web Enrolment. 
string sOther 
String containing the Client's Other Name. Maximum length 50 characters. 
string sTitle 
String containing the Client's Title - eg. Mr, Mrs, Miss, Dr etc. Maximum length 10 characters. 
string sGender 
String - Gender of Client.
Valid Gender Values are:
  • @ => Not Stated,
  • M => Male,
  • F => Female,
  • X => Indeterminate/Intersex/Unspecified. 
string sAddr 
WARNING: This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the API. You should use usualAddress.Building, usualAddress.UnitDetails, usualAddress.StreetNumber and usualAddress.StreetName instead.
String - Residential Address for Client. Maximum length 170 characters. 
string sCity 
WARNING: This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the API. You should use usualAddress.City instead.
String - City of Client's Residential Address. Maximum length 50 characters. 
string sPCode 
WARNING: This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the API. You should use usualAddress.Postcode instead.
String - Post Code of Client's Residential Address. Maximum length 4 characters. 
string sShortState 
WARNING: This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the API. You should use usualAddress.State instead.
String - State Short Name for Client's Residential Address. See GetStateList.
Valid Short Names are:
  • NSW,
  • Vic,
  • Qld,
  • SA,
  • WA,
  • Tas,
  • NT,
  • ACT,
  • Other,
  • Overseas. 
string sHomePhone 
String - Home Phone Number of Client. Maximum length 20 characters. For AVETMISS compliance, this should include the area code (thus, contain at least 10 digits) 
string sWorkPhone 
String - Work Phone Number of Client. Maximum length 20 characters. For AVETMISS compliance, this should include the area code (thus, contain at least 10 digits) 
string sMobilePhone 
String - Mobile Phone Number of Client. Maximum length 20 characters. For AVETMISS compliance, this should contain at least 10 digits 
string sEmail 
String - Email Address of Client. Maximum length 100 characters. 
string postalAddr 
WARNING: This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the API. You should use postalAddress.Building, postalAddress.UnitDetails, postalAddress.StreetNumber, postalAddress.StreetName and postalAddress.POBox instead.
String - Postal Address for Client. Maximum length 170 characters. 
string postalCity 
WARNING: This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the API. You should use postalAddress.City instead.
String - City of Client's Postal Address. Maximum length 50 characters. 
string postalPCode 
WARNING: This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the API. You should use postalAddress.Postcode instead.
String - Post Code of Client's Postal Address. Maximum length 4 characters. 
string postalShortState 
WARNING: This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the API. You should use postalAddress.State instead.
String - State Short Name for Client's Postal Address. See GetStateList.
Valid Short Names are:
  • NSW,
  • Vic,
  • Qld,
  • SA,
  • WA,
  • Tas,
  • NT,
  • ACT,
  • Other,
  • Overseas. 
int? divisionId 
Integer - ID of division to link the client to. Use functions such as GetDivisions to get a list of valid divisions. Specify null or 0 to link them to the same division as the occurrence they are enrolling into. 
string usi 
String - Optional Unique Student Identifier for the client. If specified, must be 10 characters, must be upper case (allowed characters are 2-9, and A-Z except I and O), and must have a valid Luhn Mod N check character. Use the ValidateUSI function to check whether a USI is valid. 
TAddress usualAddress 
TAddress : The usual/residential address of the client. This is the preferred way to specify the address. If this object is specified, the sAddr, sCity, sPCode and sShortState fields will be ignored. 
TAddress postalAddress 
TAddress : The postal address of the client. This is the preferred way to specify the address. If this object is specified, the postalAddr, postalCity, postalPCode and postalShortState fields will be ignored. 
string surveyContactStatusCode 
String : Optional NCVER survey contact status for the client. If not specified, it will be "A". Valid values are:
  • A : Available for survey use
  • C : Correctional facility (address or enrolment)
  • D : Deceased student
  • E : Excluded
  • I : Invalid address / Itinerant student (very low likelihood of response)
  • M : Minor - under age of 15 (not to be surveyed)
  • O : Overseas (address or enrolment)

TAuthenticate : an Authenticate Object containing the result of the update.



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