VETtrak User Reporting Data Guide


This resource is a complete listing of the database objects available to you as part of the VETtrak User Reporting System. A list of tables is provided on the left for quick reference and access to the relevant section.

A2E assessment

Holds Esher House Assess2Educate (A2E) assessments.


Name Type Description
Status Lookup list Status of A2E assessment.
Rating Lookup list Rating of A2E assessment, if complete. eg. "Gold", "Silver", "Bronze"
Assessment form URL Text URL of A2E assessment form.
Created date Date and time Date the A2E assessment was created.
Completed date Date and time Date the A2E assessment was completed, if complete.


Name Description
Created by user User that created the A2E assessment.


Holds addresses for clients, employers and locations.


Name Type Description
Unit Text The level/unit details of the address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "Apartment 113", "Unit N15", "Level 4", "Suite 21A Level 8".
Building Text The building/property details of the address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "Government House", "Downton Abbey".
Street number Text The street number of the address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "103", "340-346", "Lot 65".
Street name Text The street name of the address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "Smith Avenue", "The Avenue West", "Brown Road North East", "The Esplanade", "High Street Road".
City Text The suburb/city/town of the address in AVETMISS 7 format.
Postcode Text The postcode of the address in AVETMISS 7 format.
PO Box Text Postal delivery box details. Only used for postal addresses, do not populate this field for physical (client residential/usual and business) addresses. eg. "PO Box 88", "RMB 123", "CARE PO".


Name Description
State State of the address.


Holds Australian and New Zealand Standard Classifications of Occupations.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of ANZSCO.
Code Text Code of ANZSCO.
Archived Yes or no Whether the ANZSCO is archived.


Holds Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classifications.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the ANZSIC.
Code Text Code of the ANZSIC.
Archived Yes or no Whether the ANZSIC is archived.


Contains applications that use the database.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of application.
Short name Text Short name of application.

Assessment mode

Holds assessment modes.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of assessment mode.
Code Text Code of assessment mode.
Archived Yes or no Whether the assessment mode is archived.
Description Text Block Description of assessment mode.


Holds client class attendance.


Name Type Description
Start date Date and time Start date of attendance.
Finish date Date and time Finish date of attendance.
Notes Text Block Notes for attendance.
Created date Date and time Date record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date attendance was last updated.
Duration minutes Whole number Duration of attendance, in minutes, excluding breaks.


Name Description
Attendance type Type of attendance
Client class Client in the class.
Attendance reason Reason for the attendance. Not applicable for positive attendance types.
Application Application that was used to record the attendance. Has only been recorded since VETtrak version 18.1.
File links File links belonging to the attendance.

Attendance reason

Holds reasons for attendance.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of attendance reason.
Code Text Code of attendance reason.
Approved Yes or no Whether this is an approved reason for absence.
Archived Yes or no Whether the attendance reason is archived.
Description Text Block Description of attendance reason.

Attendance type

Holds types of attendance.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of attendance type.
Code Text Code of attendance type.
Type Lookup list Type of attendance type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the attendance type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of attendance type.


Holds attributes.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of attribute.
Code Text Code of attribute.
Archived Yes or no Whether the attribute is archived.
Description Text Block Description of the attribute.
Important Yes or no Whether the attribute is marked as important.


Holds awards issued to clients.


Name Type Description
Parchment number Text Parchment number for the award.
Recorded date Date Date the award was recorded.
Completed date Date Date the training that lead to the award was completed. For awards in or prior to 2017, this will be the 01/01 of the completion year.
Issued Yes or no Whether the award has been issued.
Issued date Date Date the award was issued.
Reportability Lookup list Reportability of the award.
Completion statement Yes or no Indicates whether the award is a completion.
Licence number Text Licence number of the award.
Expiry date Date Expiry date of the award.
Document reference Text Reference to a file associated with the award.
Notes Text Block Notes for the award.
Created date Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the record was last updated.


Name Description
Award type Type of the award.
Client Client that has the award.
Qualification Qualification/course of the award.
Enrolments Enrolments that are linked to the award.
Enrolled units Units that are linked to the award.
Organisation Organisation that issued the award.
Location Location that issued the award.
File notes File notes for the award.
File links File links belonging to the award.

Award type

Holds types of awards, such as Certificate and Statement of Attainment.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of award type.
Code Text Code of award type.
Type Lookup list Type of award type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the award type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of the award type.

Cancellation reason

Holds reasons for enrolment cancellation.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of cancellation reason.
Code Text Code of cancellation reason.
Archived Yes or no Whether the cancellation reason is archived.
Description Text Block Description of cancellation reason.


Indicates which records can be included in capability profiles.


Name Type Description
Code Text Code of the capability.
Name Text Name of the capability.
Expiry months Whole number Default number of months the capability will expire after.
Archived Yes or no Whether the capability is archived.


Name Description
Capability type Capability type of the capability.
Client capability Client capabilities of the capability.
Position capability Position capabilities of the capability.


Holds classes in occurrences.


Name Type Description
Code Text Code of class.
Start date Date and time Start date of class.
Finish date Date and time Finish date of class.
Notes Text Block Notes of class.
Total clients Whole number Total number of clients currently in the class.
Created date Date and time Date record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date record was last updated.
Capacity Whole number Capacity of class.
Duration minutes Whole number Duration of the class in minutes, excluding breaks.
Online class link Text Web url to access this class online.


Name Description
Room Room of class.
Staff Staff member assigned to class.
Occurrence Occurrence that class is in.
Clients Clients that are in the class.
Units Occurrence enrolled units linked to the class.
Tasks Tasks linked to the class.
Class type Type of the class.
File links File links belonging to the class.

Class type

Holds types of classes.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of class type.
Code Text Code of class type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the class type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of class type.
Default Yes or no Whether this class type is the default for new classes.
Allow online check-in Yes or no Whether online check-in (through the Student Portal) is available for the class.


Holds people, including students, staff members, and employer contacts.


Name Type Description
Code Text Unique VETtrak code of the client.
Surname Text Surname (or single name) of the client.
Given name Text Given name of the client. For a single name client, this field must be empty.
Other names Text Other names of the client, such as middle names. For a single name client, this field must be empty.
Title Text Title of client (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr etc).
Preferred name Text Preferred name of client.
Former surname Text Former surname of the client.
Gender Lookup list Gender of the client.
Date of birth Date Date of birth of the client.
Username Text Username of the client.
Login disabled Yes or no Whether the client is barred from logging onto any VETtrak software.
Staff member Yes or no Whether the client is a staff member.
Status Lookup list Whether this client is active, inactive, or pending.
USI Text Unique Student Identifier of the client.
USI verification status Lookup list Verification status of the client's Unique Student Identifier.
USI verification date Date and time When this client's USI was last verified.
USI exempt Yes or no Whether this client is exempt from the USI scheme.
Email Text Email address of the client.
Email secondary Text Secondary email address for the client.
Email both Yes or no Whether to send email to both of the client's email addresses.
Mobile phone Text Mobile phone number of the client.
Mobile phone secondary Text Secondary mobile phone number for the client.
SMS both Yes or no Whether to send SMS messages to both of the client's mobile phone numbers.
Home phone Text Home phone number of the client.
Work phone Text Work phone number of the client.
Fax number Text Fax number of the client.
Preferred contact method Lookup list Preferred contact method for the client.
Exclude from marketing Yes or no Whether the client should be excluded from marketing emails and SMS messages.
Notes Text Block Notes for client.
External code (primary) Text Primary code for this client in an external system.
Emergency contact person Text Name of the emergency contact person for this client.
Emergency contact relationship Text Relationship of the emergency contact person for this client.
Emergency contact phone Text Phone number of the emergency contact person for this client.
Emergency contact mobile Text Mobile number of the emergency contact person for this client.
Citizenship status Lookup list Citizenship status of the client.
Identification confirmed Yes or no Whether the student's identification details have been confirmed.
Identification details Text Details of student identification provided.
Passport number Text Passport number of the client.
Visa number Text Visa number of the client.
Visa effective date Date Effective start date of the client's visa
Visa expiry date Date Expiry date of the Visa for the client.
Address type Lookup list Type of address for the client.
Problem payer Yes or no Whether the client is marked as a problem payer.
STA client number Text State training authority client identifier. The exact meaning depends on the state: VIC: Apprentice Epsilon Number QLD: Learner Unique Id TAS: Trg Agmt Client ID SA: VETA/S4A Student No Other states: STA Client No
At school Lookup list Whether the client is still at school.
Year school completed Whole number Year client completed school.
Where school completed Text Where client completed school.
Proficiency in spoken English Lookup list Client's proficiency in spoken English.
Indigenous status Lookup list Client's indigenous status.
Has disability Lookup list Whether the client has disabilities.
Has prior education Lookup list Whether the client has prior education.
Web published Lookup list Whether the client is web published.
Town/city of birth Text Town/city of birth for client.
International residential area Text Client's international address residential area.
International residential address Text Block Client's international residential address.
International postal area Text Client's international address postal area.
International postal address Text Block Client's international postal address.
VIC VSN Text Victorian Student Number of client.
VIC VSN status Lookup list Status of VIC VSN.
VIC industry of employment Lookup list Victorian industry of employment of the client.
VIC occupation Lookup list Victorian occupation of client.
SA SACE student ID Text South Australian Certificate of Education identifier for the client.
Nationality Text Nationality of the client.
Job seeker ID Text Centrelink Job Seeker ID for the client.
Centrelink reference number (CRN) Text Centrelink Reference Number (CRN) for the client.
CRN expiry date Date Centrelink Reference Number expiry date for the client.
Created date Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the record was last updated.
Usual address not specified Yes or no Indicates whether the client has a usual address.
Usual and postal addresses overseas Yes or no Indicates that the client has usual and postal adresses which are overseas.
Same usual and postal address Yes or no Indicates that the client has usual and postal addresses which are the same.
Last login date Date and time Date that the client last logged into any VETtrak application.


Name Description
Enrolments Enrolments for the client, including contract, non-contract, occurrence and employee enrolments.
Contracts Contracts for the client.
Awards Awards issued to the client.
Employer (primary) Primary employer of the client.
Employment Employment records and history for the client.
Usual address Usual address of the client, in AVETMISS 7 format.
Postal address Postal address of the client, in AVETMISS 7 format.
Manager (primary) Client that is the primary manager of this client.
Managed clients (primary) Primary clients that are managed by this client.
Division Security division that this client is in.
Visa type Type of Visa for the client.
Events Events for the client.
Attributes Attributes that are assigned to the client.
Groups Groups that this client is in.
Classes Classes that the client is in.
Placements Workplace placements for the client.
Waitlist Programmes that the client is on the waitlist for.
Contact for employers Employers that the client is a contact for.
Country of birth Country of birth of the client. Empty if not stated.
Language spoken at home Client's language spoken at home. Empty if not stated.
Labour force status Employment category (labour force status) of client. Empty if not stated.
School level School level of client. Empty if not stated.
Disabilities Disabilities of the client.
Prior education Prior education of the client.
International residential country Client's international residential address country.
International postal country Client's international postal address country.
VET FEE-HELP client details Personal-level information for VET FEE-HELP about a client.
VET FEE-HELP enrolments A list of the selected client's VET FEE-HELP enrolments.
Passport country County of the client's passport
Holding Amounts transferred to or from holding for the client.
Survey contact status Client's survey contact status.
Skills Skills for the client.
Referral source Referral source for the client.
External codes External system codes of the client.
Foundation skills details Clients Foundation Skills details.
Foundation skills pathways Clients Foundation Skills pathways.
Foundation skills children Clients Foundation skills children.
Foundation skills entitlements Clients Foundation skills entitlements.
Foundation skills assessments Clients Foundation Skills assessments.
File notes File notes for the client.
Jobactive provider Jobactive provider of the client.
Credit terms Credit terms of client. Empty if not stated.
Invoices Invoices made out to the client.
Capabilities Capabilities of the client.
File links File links belonging to the client.

Client attribute

Holds attributes assigned to clients.


Name Type Description
Notes Text Block Notes for the attribute assigned to the client.
Created date Date and time Date that this attribute was assigned to this client.


Name Description
Attribute Attribute that is assigned to the client.
File links File links belonging to the client attribute.

Client capability

Holds client capability items.


Name Type Description
Date aquired Date Date the client aquired the capability.
Expiry date Date Expiry date of the client capability.


Name Description
Capability Capability of the client capability.
Client Client of the client capability.

Client class

Holds clients in classes.


Name Type Description
Created date Date and time Date the client was added to the class.
Confirmation status Lookup list Confirmation status for the client in the class.
Online check-in date Date and time The date when the client checked into the class online (via the Student Portal). Empty if the client has not checked-in online.


Name Description
Client Client that is in the class.
Class Class that the client is in.
Attendance Client attendance in the class.
Client enrolment Client occurrence enrolment related to this client in this class.

Client employment

Holds employment records for clients. Also holds a history of client employment.


Name Type Description
Primary Yes or no Whether the client employment record is the primary one for the client.
Archived Yes or no Whether the client employment record is archived.
Employee code Text Employee code for the client employment.
Salary Dollar Amount Salary for client employment.
Commencement date Date Commencement date for the client employment.
Date last assessed Date Last assessment date of the client employment.
Termination date Date Termination date of the client employment.
Create date Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the record was last updated.


Name Description
Client Client that has the employment record.
Employer Employer for the client employment record.
Position Position for the client employment.
Employment type Type of the client employment.
Employer branch Employer branch of the client employment.
Manager Client employment record for the manager of this client employment.

Client employment type

Holds types of client employment.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of client employment type.
Code Text Code of client employment type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the client employment type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of client employment type.

Client enrolment

Holds client enrolments, including contract and non-contract enrolments, client occurrence enrolments and employee enrolments.


Name Type Description
ID Whole number ID of enrolment.
Type Lookup list Type of the enrolment.
Start date Date Start date of enrolment.
Finish date Date Finish date of enrolment.
Notes Text Block Notes for enrolment.
Date of status change Date Date that the status of the enrolment was last changed.
Reportability Lookup list Reportability of the enrolment.
Amount Dollar Amount Total pricing amount for the enrolment, including any GST.
GST Dollar Amount Total GST pricing amount for the enrolment.
Amount paid Dollar Amount Total amount paid for the enrolment.
Amount adjusted Dollar Amount Total amount adjusted from the enrolment.
Government amount Dollar Amount Total amount of the enrolment to be government funded.
Payment status Lookup list Status of payment for the enrolment.
Confirmation status Lookup list Confirmation status for the enrolment.
Commencing status Lookup list AVETMISS commencing status for the enrolment.
VET in schools Yes or no Whether this is a VET In Schools enrolment.
Report employer as location Yes or no Whether to report the enrolment's employer as the location of the enrolment in AVETMISS.
Online enrolment date Date and time Date that the enrolment was made online. Empty if it is not an online enrolment.
Occurrence ID Whole number ID of occurrence the enrolment belongs to. Empty for a non-occurrence enrolment.
Transfer history Text Block History of transfer of this enrolment between occurrences. Only applicable for occurrence enrolments that have been transferred.
VIC enrolment date Date Date when the student legally agreed to undertake the training and incur any related costs for the enrolment.
Program commencement date Date Victorian or Tasmanian training activity start date for the enrolment.
VIC PSTACD Date VIC Program Supervised Teaching Activity Completion Date for the enrolment.
VIC PUSH Whole number VIC Program Unique Supervised Hours for the enrolment.
VIC PUSH calculation method Lookup list How the enrolment's Program Unique Supervised Hours are automatically calculated for the enrolment.
VIC funding eligibility key Text VIC funding eligibility key for the enrolment.
VIC eligibility exemption Yes or no Whether the enrolment meets VIC eligibility exemption criteria.
VET Student Loan indicator Yes or no Whether enrolment has a VET Student Loan in VIC or TAS.
VIC VSN transfer Yes or no Whether to include the enrolment in VIC VSN transfers.
VIC eligibility Yes or no Whether evidence of student eligibility verified for the VIC enrolment.
VIC declaration Yes or no Whether student declaration signed in VIC.
NSW report type Lookup list How the NSW enrolment should be reported.
NSW enrolment status Lookup list Smart and Skilled reportable status of the NSW enrolment.
NSW provider calculator export Yes or no Whether the enrolment is to be included in NSW Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator exports, until it has a commitment ID.
QLD full time learning Yes or no Whether the enrolment is QLD full time learning.
WA intake number Text WA intake number for the enrolment.
WA fee model Lookup list How WA fees should be calculated for the enrolment.
ACT student file number Text ACT student file number for the enrolment.
Delivery modes Text Delivery modes for the enrolment. This is a string containing one letter per delivery mode, with the predominant delivery mode first.
VIC claims exclusion Lookup list Indicates whether the enrolment should be excluded from VIC claiming or invoicing, to opt-out of rejects for it.
Use enrolment employer as VIC workplace employer Yes or no Whether the enrolment's employer should be reported as the VIC workplace employer.
Created date Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the record was last updated.


Name Description
Client Client whom this enrolment belongs to.
Qualification Qualification/course for the enrolment.
Enrolled units Enrolled units in the enrolment.
Enrolled tasks Enrolled tasks in this enrolment.
Location Delivery location of enrolment.
Status Status of enrolment.
Cancellation reason Reason for the cancellation of the enrolment. Will be empty if not cancelled.
Employer Employer associated with client enrolment.
Employer contact Employer contact for the enrolment.
Events Events linked to this client enrolment.
Awards Awards linked to enrolment.
Organisation Organisation this enrolment belongs to.
Division Division for enrolment.
Enrolment type Type of the enrolment.
Referral source Referral source for enrolment.
Staff Staff members assigned to enrolment.
Occurrence Occurrence the client enrolment is in. Empty if this is not an occurrence enrolment.
Contract Contract that the enrolment is on.
Placements Placements associated with the enrolment.
Funding source Funding source for the enrolment. Empty if not government funded.
Purchasing contract Purchasing contract for the enrolment.
Delivery provider employer Employer that is the delivery provider for the enrolment.
Vocation Vocation for the enrolment.
Delivery type AVETMISS delivery type of enrolment.
Fee exemption Fee exemption type for the enrolment.
Fee exemption waiver Fee exemption waiver type for the enrolment. Only used in VIC.
Study reason Study reason for enrolment.
Specific funding identifier Specific funding identifier for enrolment.
Funding model Funding model for pricing for the enrolment.
Linked child enrolments Client occurrence enrolments that are linked as children of this one.
Linked parent enrolments Client enrolments that are linked as parents of this one.
ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification for the enrolment.
Status history Status history entries for the enrolment.
VIC superseded enrolment Enrolment that is superseded by this enrolment.
VIC superseding enrolments Enrolments that supersede this enrolment.
NSW Smart and Skilled enrolment NSW Smart and Skilled data for the enrolment.
Related VET Student Loan enrolments The client's VET Student Loan courses of study that are related to this enrolment.
Client classes Client's classes that relate to this occurrence enrolment. Only relevant if this is an occurrence enrolment.
Payment history Imported payment history for the enrolment and all units in it.
Pricing Prices for the client enrolment.
Program enrolment Victorian or Tasmanian program enrolment that is related to the enrolment.
A2E assessments Esher House Assess2Educate (A2E) assessments for the enrolment.
File notes File notes for the enrolment.
File links File links belonging to the client enrolment.
VIC workplace employer VIC workplace employer for the enrolment.
Agency employer Employer that is assigned as the agency for the enrolment. Only available with the Agent Commissions Add-on.
Agent client Client that is assigned as the agent for the enrolment. Only available with the Agent Commissions Add-on.

Client enrolment staff

Staff assigned to a client enrolment.


Name Type Description
Primary Yes or no Whether this is the primary staff member for the enrolment.


Name Description
Staff type Type of staff member assigned to enrolment.
Staff Staff member assigned to enrolment.
Client enrolment Client enrolment the staff member is assigned to.

Client event

Holds events assigned to clients.


Name Type Description
Start date Date and time Start date of the client event.
Finish date Date and time Finish date of the client event. Will be empty for a single day/milestone event.
Complete Yes or no Whether this client event is complete.
Notes Text Block Notes for the client event.
Show in calendar Yes or no Whether to show this event in the calendar.
Document reference Text Reference to a document linked to the client event.
Date last complete Date and time Date the event was last completed.


Name Description
Event type The type of this client event.
Client The client that this client event belongs to.
Enrolment The enrolment that this client event is linked to.
Contract Contract linked to client event.
Staff Staff member assigned to client event.
Parent employer event Employer event that the client event is grouped under.
User last complete The user that last set this event to complete.
File notes File notes for the client event.
File links File links belonging to the client event.

Client external code

Holds client codes for each external system.


Name Type Description
Code Text Clients code in the external system.
Primary Yes or no Indicates the clients primary external code.


Name Description
External system The external system that the external code belongs to.

Client jobactive provider

Holds the Job Active provider details for each client.


Name Type Description
Archived Yes or no Whether the client jobactive provider is achived.


Name Description
Employer Jobactive provider employer.
Consultant contact Jobactive provider consultant.
Site manager contact Jobactive provider site manager.

Client prior education

Holds prior education for clients.


Name Type Description
Recognition identifier Lookup list Recognition identifier for client's prior education.


Name Description
Prior education Prior education for client.

Client skill

Holds skills belonging to clients.


Name Type Description
Date acquired Date Date the skill was acquired (start date).
Expiry date Date Date the client skill expires (end date).
Inactive Yes or no Whether the client skill is inactive.
Description Text Block Description of the client skill.


Name Description
Skill Skill that the client has.
File links File links belonging to the client skill.


Holds contracts, which represent apprenticeships and traineeships.


Name Type Description
Start date Date Start date of contract.
Finish date Date Finish date of contract.
Code Text Code of contract. The exact meaning depends on the state the contract is in: VIC: Epsilon Training Contract Id QLD: Regn No. NSW: TCID/TAID WA: WAAMS No. SA: COT No. TAS: Trg Agmt No. ACT: Sequence No.
Delta student number Text The Delta student number for the contract.
Postcode Text Postcode of contract.
Date of status change Date Date of status change for the contract.
Notes Text Block Notes for the contract.
Industry award Text Industry award for the contract.
Full time Yes or no Whether the contract is full time.
Prior training credit Yes or no Whether the contract has prior training credit.


Name Description
Client Client that is on the contract.
Employer Employer that is on the contract.
Qualification Qualification/course for the contract.
State State the contract is in.
Status Status of the contract.
Enrolments Client enrolments on the contract.
Contract type Type of the contract.
Employer contact Client that is the employer contact for the contract.
Organisation Organisation the contract belongs to.
Cancellation reason Reason for cancellation of the contract.
Vocation Vocation recorded on the contract.
RTO employer Employer that is the RTO for the contract.
ANP employer Employer that is the Apprenticeship Network Provider (ANP) for the contract.
Events Events linked to contract.
Staff Staff assigned to the contract.
Placements Placements associated with the contract.
File links File links belonging to the contract.

Contract staff

Staff assigned to a contract.


Name Type Description
Primary Yes or no Whether this is the primary staff member for the contract.


Name Description
Staff type Type of staff member assigned to contract.
Staff Staff member assigned to contract.
Contract Contract the staff member is assigned to.

Contract type

Holds types of contracts.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of contract type.
Code Text Code of contract type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the contract type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of contract type.

Cost type

Holds cost types that can be assigned to occurrences.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of cost type.
Code Text Code of cost type.
Requires staff member Yes or no Whether the cost type requires a staff member to be selected when assigned to an occurrence.
Description Text Block Description of cost type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the cost type is archived.


Holds countries.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of country.
Code Text AVETMISS code of country.
Archived Yes or no Whether the country is archived.


Holds definitions of credentials that can be assigned to staff members.


Name Type Description
Code Text Code of credential.
Name Text Name of credential.
Status Lookup list Status of credential.
Expiry months Whole number Number of months after which this credential expires. 0 for no expiry.
Archived Yes or no Whether the credential is archived.
Notes Text Block Notes for credential.


Name Description
Credential type Type of credential.
Capability Capability of the credential.
File links File links belonging to the credential.

Credential type

Holds types of credentials.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of credential type.

Credit term

Contains credit terms for invoices.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of credit term.
Code Text Code of credit term.
Days Whole number Days of credit term.
Calculation method Lookup list How the days are applied to calculate invoice due dates.
Default for new clients Yes or no Whether the credit term is the default for new clients.
Default for new employers Yes or no Whether the credit term is the default for new employers.
Archived Yes or no Whether the credit term is archived.
Notes Text Block Notes for credit term.

Delivery strategy

Holds delivery strategies for units. Used mainly in WA.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of delivery strategy.
Code Text Code of delivery strategy.
Archived Yes or no Whether delivery strategy is archived.
Description Text Block Description of delivery strategy.

Delivery type

Holds AVETMISS delivery types.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of delivery type.
Code Text Code of delivery type.


Holds disability entries.


Name Type Description
Name Text The name of the disability.
Code Text The AVETMISS code of the disability.


Divisions are a hierarchical structure. Clients are assigned to a division, and security access is granted to divisions to control which users have access to client's records.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the division.
Code Text Code of the division.
Archived Yes or no Whether this division is archived.
Description Text Block Description of division.


Name Description
Parent division Division that is the parent of this one.
Child divisions Divisions that are children of this one.
Ancestor divisions Divisions that are an ancestor of this one. That is, divisions that are a parent of this one, or a parent of a parent of this one etc, all the way up the division tree. Note: This will also include the division you are starting with.
Descendant divisions Divisions that are a descendant of this one. That is, divisions that are a child of this one, or a child of a child of this one etc, all the way down the division tree. Note: This will also include the division you are starting with.


Holds companies.


Name Type Description
ID Whole number Unique ID of the employer.
Name Text Unique name of the employer.
Legal name Text Legal name of employer.
Code Text User code of employer.
Email Text Email address of employer.
Phone Text Phone number of employer.
Mobile Text Mobile phone number of employer.
Fax Text Fax number of employer.
Website URL Text Website URL address for employer.
ABN Text ABN of employer.
ACN Text ACN of employer.
External code Text External code of employer.
Prefix Text Client code prefix for employer.
Type Lookup list Whether employer is an RTO (delivery provider) or AAC (Australian Apprenticeships Centre).
Number of employees Whole number Number of employees for employer.
Exclude from marketing Yes or no Whether the employer is excluded from marketing emails and SMS.
Notes Text Block Notes for the employer.
Problem payer Yes or no Whether the employer is flagged as a problem payer.
Address type Lookup list Type of employer address.
International business address Text Block International business address of the employer.
International postal address Text Block International postal address of the employer.
Archived Yes or no Whether the employer is archived.
Is agency Yes or no Whether this employer is an agency.
Date created Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the record was last updated.


Name Description
Employer type Type of the employer.
Business address Business address of the employer, in AVETMISS 7 format.
Postal address Postal address of the employer, in AVETMISS 7 format.
Employees Employee clients of the employer.
Events Events for the employer.
Attributes Attributes assigned to the employer.
Associated client enrolments Client enrolments (contract, non-contract and occurrence enrolments) that are linked to the employer.
Associated occurrences Occurrences the employer is related to.
Contracts Contracts for the employer.
Placements Workplace placements for the employer.
Delivery provider for enrolments Client enrolments where this employer is the delivery provider.
Delivery provider for enrolled units Enrolled units where this employer is the delivery provider.
Parent employer Employer that is the parent of this one.
Child employers Employers that are children of this one.
Employer contacts Contact clients for the employer.
ANZSIC ANZSIC for the employer.
Holding Amounts transferred to or from holding for the employer.
Branches Branches of the employer.
International business address country Country of the international business address for the employer.
International postal address country Country of the international postal address for the employer.
External codes External system codes of the employer.
File notes File notes for the employer.
Invoices Invoices made out to the employer.
File links File links belonging to the employer.

Employer attribute

Holds attributes assigned to employers.


Name Type Description
Notes Text Block Notes for the attribute assigned to the employer.
Created date Date and time Date that this attribute was assigned to this employer.


Name Description
Attribute Attribute that is assigned to the employer.
File links File links belonging to the employer attribute.

Employer branch

Holds branches for employers.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of branch.
Code Text Code of branch.
Archived Yes or no Whether the branch is archived.
Description Text Block Description of branch.
Address type Lookup list Type of the branch's address.
International address Text Block International address of the branch.


Name Description
Region Region that the branch belongs to.
Address Address of the branch.
File links File links belonging to the employer branch.

Employer contact

Holds client contacts for employers.


Name Type Description
Is primary Yes or no Whether this client is the primary contact for this employer.
Is agent Yes or no Whether this employer contact is an agent.
Is accounts contact Yes or no Whether this client is the accounts contact for this employer.


Name Description
Employer Employer that has this contact.
Client Client that is a contact for the employer.
Contact for client enrolments Client enrolments this client is a contact on.
Contact for occurrences Occurrences this client is the employer contact for.
Contact for contracts Contracts this client is a contact on.
Contact for placements Placements the client is a contact for.

Employer event

Holds events assigned to employers.


Name Type Description
Start date Date and time Start date of the employer event.
Finish date Date and time Finish date of the employer event. Will be empty for a single day/milestone event.
Complete Yes or no Whether this employer event is complete.
Notes Text Block Notes for the employer event.
Show in calendar Yes or no Whether to show this event in the calendar.
Document reference Text Reference to a document linked to the employer event.
Date last complete Date and time Date the event was last completed.


Name Description
Event type The type of this employer event.
Staff Staff member assigned to employer event
Client events Client events that are grouped under the employer event.
User last complete The user that last set this event as complete.
File notes File notes for the employer event.
File links File links belonging to the employer event.

Employer external code

Holds employer codes for each external system.


Name Type Description
Code Text Employers code in the external system.
Primary Yes or no Indicates the employers primary external code.


Name Description
External system The external system that the external code belongs to.

Employer type

Holds types of employers.


Name Type Description
Name Text Unique name of the employer type.
Code Text Code of the employer type.
Description Text Block Notes for the employer type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the employer type is archived.
Jobactive Yes or no Whether the employer type represents Jobactive employers.

Employment category

Holds AVETMISS employment categories (labour force statuses).


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of employment category.
Code Text AVETMISS code of employment category.

Enrolled unit

Holds enrolled units for client enrolments.


Name Type Description
Start date Date Start date of enrolled unit result.
Finish date Date Finish date of enrolled unit result.
Reportability Lookup list Reportability of the enrolled unit.
Percentage Whole number Percentage result for the enrolled unit. -1 if no percentage is recorded.
Points Whole number Number of points for the enrolled unit. -1 if no points are recorded.
Hours Whole number Number of hours for the enrolled unit.
Hours customised Yes or no Whether the number of hours on this enrolled unit were changed from the default for the unit.
Withdrawn hours Whole number Number of actual hours for a withdrawn unit.
Notes Text Block Notes for the enrolled unit.
Claim date Date Date that the enrolled unit was claimed.
Paid date Date Date the enrolled unit was paid.
Amount Dollar Amount Total pricing amount for the enrolled unit, including any GST.
GST Dollar Amount GST amount of the enrolled unit.
Government amount Dollar Amount Total of government pricing amounts for the enrolled unit.
Tuition fee amount Dollar Amount Amount of the tuition fee last reported for the enrolled unit.
Expiry date Date Expiry date of the enrolled unit.
Sequence Whole number Sequence number for the enrolled unit.
Start order Whole number Starting order of the enrolled unit.
Stage Whole number Stage number of the enrolled unit.
Planned start date Date Planned start date of enrolled unit.
Planned finish date Date Planned finish date for the enrolled unit.
Assessment mode (Old) Text Old assessment mode for the enrolled unit. Replaced by Assessment modes.
Date 1 Date Date 1 for the enrolled unit.
Comment 1 Text Comment 1 for the enrolled unit.
Date 2 Date Date 2 for the enrolled unit.
Comment 2 Text Comment 2 for the enrolled unit.
Date 3 Date Date 3 for the enrolled unit.
Comment 3 Text Comment 3 for the enrolled unit.
Date 4 Date Date 4 for the enrolled unit.
Comment 4 Text Comment 4 for the enrolled unit.
Date 5 Date Date 5 for the enrolled unit.
Comment 5 Text Comment 5 for the enrolled unit.
Commencing status Lookup list AVETMISS commencing status for the enrolled unit.
VIC enrolment date Date Date when the student legally agreed to undertake the training and incur any related costs for the enrolled unit.
VIC program commencement date Date Victorian training activity start date for the enrolled unit.
VIC funding eligibility key Text VIC funding eligibility key for the enrolled unit.
VIC eligibility exemption Yes or no Whether the enrolled unit meets VIC eligibility exemption criteria.
VIC VET FEE-HELP Yes or no Whether enrolled unit is being delivered under VET FEE-HELP in VIC.
Delivery modes Text Delivery modes for the enrolled unit. This is a string containing one letter per delivery mode, with the predominant delivery mode first.
WA funding removed Yes or no Whether WA funding has been removed for the enrolled unit.
WA employer invoiced Yes or no Whether an employer has been invoiced for this enrolled unit.
Date created Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the record was last updated.
Date result last recorded Date and time Date that a result was last recorded for the enrolled unit.
Date result last reset Date Date when this enrolled unit's result was last reset. Empty if the result has never been reset.
Release Text Release number of enrolled unit.
VIC claims exclusion Lookup list Indicates whether the enrolled unit should be excluded from VIC claiming or invoicing, to opt-out of rejects for it.


Name Description
Enrolment Enrolment that the unit is in.
Unit Unit that is in the enrolment.
Result type Result type of the enrolled unit. Empty if it does not have a result.
Qualification Qualification/course for the enrolled unit.
Awards Awards linked to enrolled unit.
Staff Staff member associated with the enrolled unit.
Delivery strategy Delivery strategy for the enrolled unit.
Funding source Funding source for the enrolled unit. Empty if not government funded.
Purchasing contract Purchasing contract for the enrolled unit.
Delivery type AVETMISS delivery type for the enrolled unit.
Location Location for the delivery of the enrolled unit.
Study reason Study reason for the enrolled unit.
Fee exemption Fee exemption for the enrolled unit.
Fee exemption waiver Fee exemption waiver for the enrolled unit. Only used in VIC.
ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification for the enrolled unit.
Delivery provider employer Delivery provider employer for the enrolled unit.
Staff last recorded result Staff member that last recorded a result for the enrolled unit.
Related VET Student Loan units of study Client's VET Student Loan units of study that are related to this enrolled unit.
Task enrolments Enrolled tasks linked to the enrolled unit.
Payment history Imported payment history for the enrolled unit.
Pricing Enrolment pricing for enrolled unit.
Unit cluster Cluster the unit came from.
File notes File notes for the enrolled unit.
Assessment modes Assessment modes of the enrolled unit.
File links File links belonging to the enrolled unit.

Enrolment price

Contains prices for enrolments and contracts.


Name Type Description
Amount Dollar Amount Amount of enrolment price, including any GST.
GST Dollar Amount GST amount of enrolment price.
Surcharge amount Dollar Amount Amount of the surcharge, which is included in the total Amount.
Surcharge GST Dollar Amount GST of the surcharge, which is included in the total GST.


Name Description
Invoice item Invoice item that the enrolment price is invoiced in, or is scheduled to be invoiced in.
Client enrolment Client enrolment that the price is on. Each price will have either a Client Enrolment or Contract set, not both.
Contract Contract that the price is on. Each price will have either a Client Enrolment or Contract set, not both.
Pricing item Pricing item for enrolment price. Each price will have either a Pricing Item or an Inventory Item, not both.
Inventory item Inventory item for enrolment price. Each price will have either a Pricing Item or an Inventory Item, not both.
Enrolled unit Enrolled unit that is being priced. Will not be specified if the price is not at the enrolled unit level.
VET Student Loans unit of study VET Student Loans unit of study that is being priced. Will not be specified if the price is not at the VET Student Loans unit of study level.
Ledger Ledger for the enrolment price.

Enrolment type

Holds types of enrolments.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of enrolment type.
Code Text Code of enrolment type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the enrolment type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of enrolment type.


Contains information about all the entities in the system, for the role-based security system and document management.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the entity.

Event type

Holds event types.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the event type.
Code Text Code of the event type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the event type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of the event type.
Included in VIC PUSH calculations Yes or no Whether events of this type are included in Program Unique Supervised Hours calculations in Victoria.

External system

Holds extenal systems.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of external system.
Code Text Code of the external system.
Description Text Block Description of external system.
Archived Yes or no Whether the external system is archived.
Default for clients Yes or no Indicates whether the external system is default for clients.
Default for employers Yes or no Indicates whether the external system is default for employers.
Available for Lookup list Indicates whether the external system is available for clients, employers, or both.
Duplicate code flag Lookup list Indicates whether the external system allows, warns, or errors when duplicate codes are entered.

Fee exemption

Holds fee exemptions.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of fee exemption.
Code Text Code of fee exemption.
Archived Yes or no Whether fee exemption is archived.
Description Text Block Description of fee exemption.
Tuition fee concession Lookup list How tuition fees are calculated for the fee exemption.


Name Description
State State of the fee exemption.

Field of education

Holds AVETMISS fields of education.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the field of education.
Code Text AVETMISS code of field of education.
Type Lookup list Whether the field of education applies to qualifications or units.

File link

Contains links to files related to records.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the file link.
Link Text The link for the file link. This could be a file path, a web URL, or the original file name.
Link type Lookup list The type of the file link.
Description Text Block Description of the file link.
Created date Date and time Date this record was created.
Last updated date Date and time The date this record was last updated.


Name Description
File type Type of the file.
Created user User that created this record.
Last updated user User that last updated this record.

File note

Contains file notes against records.


Name Type Description
Comment Text Block File note comment.
Date Date Date of file note.
Created date Date and time Date the file note was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the file note was last updated.


Name Description
File note type Type of the file note.
Created user User that created the file note.
Last updated user User that last updated the file note.

File note type

Holds types of file notes.


Name Type Description
Code Text Code of the file note type.
Name Text Name of the file note type.
Archived Yes or no Shows whether the file note type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of the file note type.

File type

Contains file types for file links.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of file type.
Code Text Code of file type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the file type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of file type.
System managed Yes or no Whether this file type is managed by VETtrak.

Foundation skills assessment

Holds Foundation Skills assessments.


Name Type Description
Date Date Date of the Foundation Skills assessment.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundation Skills assessment.


Name Description
Results The results of the Foundation Skills assessment.
Phase Phase of the Foundation Skills assessment.

Foundation skills category

Holds Foundation Skills entitlement categories.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of Foundation Skills category.
Code Text Code of Foundation Skills category.
Expiry months Whole number Number of months till the Foundation Skills category expires.
Type Lookup list Type of Foundation Skills category.
Archived Yes or no Shows if the Foundation Skills category is archived.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundations Skills category.

Foundation skills child

Holds Foundation Skills child records.


Name Type Description
Code Text Code of the Foundation Skills child.
External code Text External code of the Foundation Skills child.
Surname Text Surname of the Foundation Skills child.
Given name Text Given name of the Foundation Skills child.
Other names Text Other names of the Foundation Skills child.
Preferred name Text Preferred name of the Foundation Skills child.
Date of birth Date Date of birth of the Foundation Skills child.
Gender Lookup list Gender of the Foundation Skills child.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundation Skills child.


Name Description
Childcare arrangements Childcare arrangements of the Foundation Skills child.

Foundation skills childcare arrangement

Holds Foundation Skills childcare arrangement records.


Name Type Description
Start date Date and time Start date of the Foundation Skills arrangement.
End date Date and time End date of the Foundation Skills childcare arrangement.
Created date Date and time Date the Foundation skills arrangement was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date that the Foundation Skills childcare arrangement was last updated.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundation Skills childcare arrangement.


Name Description
Childcare sessions Childcare sessions of the Foundation Skills childcare arrangement.

Foundation skills childcare claim

Hold Foundation Skills childcare claim records.


Name Type Description
Start date Date and time Start date of the Foundation Skills childcare claim.
End date Date and time End date of the Foundation Skills childcare claim.
Delivery travel claim minutes Whole number Delivery travel claim minutes of the Foundation Skill childcare claim.
Pickup travel claim minutes Whole number Pickup travel claim minutes of the Foundation Skills childcare claim.
Duration Whole number Duration of the Foundation Skills childcare claim.
Created date Date and time Date the Foundation Skills childcare claim was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the Foundation Skills childcare claim was last updated.

Foundation skills childcare session

Holds Foundation Skills childcare session records.


Name Type Description
Start date Date and time Start date of the Foundation Skills session.
End date Date and time End date of the Foundation Skills childcare session.
Created date Date and time Date the Foundation skills session was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date that the Foundation Skills childcare session was last updated.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundation Skills childcare session.


Name Description
Childcare claims Childcare claims of the Foundation Skills childcare session.
Childcare centre Childcare centre of the childcare session.
Child Child of the childcare session.
Parent Parent of the childcare session.
Delivered by Client who delivered the child to the childcare session.
Collected by Client who collected the child from the childcare session.
Arrangement Arrangement of the childcare session.

Foundation skills client child

Holds Foundation Skills client child records.


Name Type Description
Primary parent Yes or no Shows whether the client of the Foundation Skills client child is the primary parent.


Name Description
Child Child of the Foundation Skills client child.

Foundation skills client details

Holds Foundation Skills client detail records.


Name Type Description
Arrival date Date Date that the client arrived in the country.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundation Skills client details.
Support description Text Block Support description of the Foundation Skills client details.
Created date Date and time Date the Foundation Skills client details was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the Foundation Skills client details was last updated.


Name Description
Learning support and accessibility flags Learning support and accessibility flags of the Foundation Skills pathway.

Foundation skills curriculum level

Holds Foundation Skills curriculum levels.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of Foundation Skills curriculum level.
Archived Yes or no Shows whether the Foundation Skills curriculum level is achived.
Code Text Code of Foundation Skills curriculum level.
Description Text Block Description of Foundations Skills curriculum level.

Foundation skills curriculum outcome

Holds Foundation Skills curriculum outcomes.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of Foundation Skills curriculum outcome.
Archived Yes or no Shows whether the Foundation Skills curriculum outcome is achived.
Code Text Code of Foundation Skills curriculum outcome.
Description Text Block Description of Foundations Skills curriculum outcome.

Foundation skills drawdown

Holds Foundation Skills drawdown records.


Name Type Description
Consumed minutes Whole number Consumed minutes of the Foundation Skills drawdown.


Name Description
Attendance Attendance of the Foundation Skills drawdown.

Foundation skills entitlement

Holds Foundation Skills entitlement records.


Name Type Description
Status Lookup list Status of the Foundation Skills entitlement.
Entitlement minutes Whole number Total number of minutes the client is entitled to, for the program.
Adusted minutes Whole number Number of minutes of the entitlement that have been consumed outside of VETtrak.
Allotted minutes Whole number Total number of minutes of the entitlement that can be consumed in VETtrak. ie. Entitled minutes minus Adjusted minutes.
Claimed minutes Whole number Total of the number of minutes that have been claimed in VETtrak for the entitlement.
Start date Date Start date of the Foundation Skills entitlement.
Expiry date Date Expiry date of the Foundation Skills entitlement.
Sequence Whole number Sequence of the Foundation Skills entitlement.
Created date Date and time Date the Foundation Skills entitlement was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the Foundation Skills entitlement was last updated.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundation Skills entitlement.


Name Description
Drawdowns Drawdowns from the entitlement.
Category Foundation Skills category for the entitlement.

Foundation skills goal

Holds Foundation Skills goal records.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the Foundation Skills goal.
Code Text Code of the Foundation Skills goal.
Archived Yes or no Shows whether the Foundation Skills goal is archived.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundation Skills goal.


Name Description
Goal type Goal type of the Foundation Skills goal.

Foundation skills goal commitment level

Holds Foundation Skills goal commitment levels.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of Foundation Skills goal commitment level.
Archived Yes or no Shows whether the Foundation Skills goal commitment level is achived.
Code Text Code of Foundation Skills goal commitment level.
Description Text Block Description of Foundations Skills goal commitment level.

Foundation skills goal type

Holds Foundation Skills goal type records.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the Foundation Skills goal type.
Code Text Code of the Foundation Skills goal type.
Archived Yes or no Shows whether the Foundation Skills goal type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundation Skills goal type.

Foundation skills learning support and accessibility flag

Holds Foundation Skills learning support and accessibility flags.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of Foundation Skills learning support and accessibility flag.
Archived Yes or no Shows whether the Foundation Skills learning support and accessibility flag is achived.
Code Text Code of Foundation Skills learning support and accessibility flag.
Description Text Block Description of Foundations Skills learning support and accessibility flag.

Foundation skills level path

Holds Foundation Skills level paths.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of Foundation Skills level path.
Archived Yes or no Shows whether the Foundation Skills level path is achived.
Code Text Code of Foundation Skills level path.
Description Text Block Description of Foundations Skills level path.

Foundation skills pathway

Holds Foundation Skills pathways.


Name Type Description
Type Lookup list Type of the Foundation Skills pathway.
Registration date Date Registration date of the Foundation Skills pathway.
Commencement date Date Commencement date of the Foundation Skills pathway.
Completion date Date Completion date of the Foundation Skills pathway.
Hours Whole number Number of hours expected each week of the Foundation Skills pathway.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundation Skills pathway.
Created date Date and time Date the Foundation Skills pathway was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the Foundation Skills pathway was last updated.


Name Description
Stages Stages that belong to the Foundation Skills pathway.
Stream Stream of the Foundation Skills pathway.

Foundation skills phase

Holds Foundation Skills phase records.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the Foundation Skills phase.
Code Text Code of the Foundation Skills phase.
Type Lookup list Type of the Foundation Skills Stage.
Archived Yes or no Show whether the Foundation Skills phase is archived.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundation Skills phase.

Foundation skills referral

Holds Foundation Skills level referrals.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of Foundation Skills referral.
Archived Yes or no Shows whether the Foundation Skills referral is achived.
Code Text Code of Foundation Skills referral.
Description Text Block Description of Foundations Skills referral.

Foundation skills result

Holds Foundation Skills assessment results.


Name Type Description
Skill Lookup list Skill which the Foundation Skills result applies to.
Result Text Result of the Foundation Skills result.
Created date Date and time Date the Foundation Skills result was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the Foundation Skills result was last updated.

Foundation skills stage

Holds Foundation Skills assessment stages.


Name Type Description
Phase Type Lookup list Phase type of the Foundation Skills stage.
Signed by student Yes or no Shows whether the Foundation Skills stage has been signed by the student.
Name Text Name of the Foundation Skills stage.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundation Skills stage.
Learning date Date Date the learning section of the Foundation Skills stage was completed.
Learning description Text Block Learning description of Foundation Skills stage.
Recommended indicators Text Block Recommeneded indicators of the Foundation Skills stage.
Student informed Yes or no Shows whether the student has been informed of the Foundation Skills stage information.
Pathway date Date Date the pathway section of the Foundation Skills stage was completed.
Pathway description Text Block Pathway description of the Foundation Skills stage.
Review date Date Review date of the Foundation Skills stage.
Review description Text Block Review description of the Foundation Skills stage.
Review interpreter Text Name of the interpreter who helped conduct the review section of the Foundation Skills stage.
Exit date Date Exit date of Foundation Skills stage.
Exit description Text Block Exit description of the Foundation Skills stage.
Created date Date and time Date the Foundation Skills stage was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the Foundation Skills stage was last updated.


Name Description
Assessment Assessment of Foundation Skills stage.
Curriculum outcome Curriculum outcome of the Foundation Skills stage.
Level path Level path of the Foundation Skills stage.
Recommendations Recommendations to other Foundation Skills categories.
Goal commitment level Goal commitment level of Foundation Skills stage.
Referrals Referrals of the Foundation Skills stage.
Goals Goals of the Foundation Skills stage.
Recommended curriculum Recommended curriculum of the Foundation Skills stage.
File links File links belonging to the foundation skills stage.

Foundation skills stage curriculum

Holds Foundation Skills stage curriculum records.


Name Description
Curriculum level Curriculum level of the Foundation Skills curriculum.
Qualification Qualification of the foundations Skills curriculum.

Foundation skills stage recommendation

Holds Foundations Skills stage recommendations for categories.


Name Type Description
Date Date Date of the recommendation.
Description Text Block Description of the recommendation.


Name Description
Category Category of the recommendation.

Foundation skills stage referral

Holds Foundation Skills stage referrals.


Name Type Description
Date Date Date of the referral.
Description Text Block Description of the referral.


Name Description
Referral Referral item of the Foundation Skills stage referral.

Foundation skills stream

Holds Foundation Skills streams.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the Foundation Skills stream.
Code Text Code of the Foundation Skills stream.
Type Lookup list Type of Foundatation Skills stream.
Archived Yes or no Indicates if the Foundation Skills stream has been archived.
Maximum class size Whole number Maximum class size of the Foundation Skills stream.
Description Text Block Description of the Foundation Skills stream.

Funding model

Holds funding model for pricing enrolments.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of funding model.
Code Text Code of funding model.
Archived Yes or no Whether the funding model is archived.
Description Text Block Description of funding model.


Name Description
State State that the funding model applies to.
Organisation Organisation that the funding model belongs to.
Qualification Qualification/course that funding model can apply to.
File links File links belonging to the funding model.

Funding source

Holds reportable funding sources.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of funding source.
Code Text Code of funding source.
Archived Yes or no Whether this funding source is archived.
Description Text Block Description of funding source.


Name Description
State State that the funding source is for. Empty for a nationally-reportable funding source.
National funding source National funding source for this funding source.
File links File links belonging to the funding source.

Funding source national

Holds national funding sources.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of national funding source.
Code Text Code of national funding source.
Archived Yes or no Whether the national funding source is archived.


Holds groups.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of group.
Code Text Code of group.
Archived Yes or no Whether the group is archived.
Description Text Block Description of the group.


Name Description
Parent group Group that is the parent of this one.
Child groups Groups that are children of this group.
Division Division this group belongs to.
Clients Clients that are in this group.
File links File links belonging to the group.


Contains amounts in holding for clients and employers. These are unallocated amounts that have been set aside for clients or employers. Contains both amounts transferred from payments to holding, and amounts transferred from holding to payments.


Name Type Description
Amount Dollar Amount Amount of holding entry. Positive for amounts transferred to holding, negative for amounts transferred from holding.
Date Date and time Date when this amount was transferred to or from holding.
Notes Text Block Notes for holding entry.


Name Description
Payment Payment that this holding entry was transferred from or to.
Client Client that owns this holding entry, if applicable. Each holding entry will have either a Client or Employer, not both.
Employer Employer that owns this holding entry, if applicable. Each holding entry will have either a Client or Employer, not both.
Taken from holding entry The holding entry that this was transferred from, to the payment indicated by Payment. Only applicable for amounts transferred from holding to a payment, in which case the Amount will be negative.

Inventory item

Contains inventory items that can be put on invoices.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of inventory item.
Code Text Code of inventory item.
Amount Dollar Amount Default price of the inventory item, including any GST.
GST Dollar Amount GST amount of inventory item.
Archived Yes or no Whether the inventory item is archived.
Notes Text Block Notes for the inventory item.


Name Description
Default ledger Default ledger for the inventory item when it is put on invoices.
File links File links belonging to the inventory item.


Contains invoices.


Name Type Description
Invoice date Date Date of invoice.
Invoice number Text Number of invoice.
Order number Text Order number of invoice.
Payment status Lookup list Current payment status of invoice.
Amount Dollar Amount Total amount of invoice, including any GST.
GST Dollar Amount GST amount of invoice.
Amount paid Dollar Amount Total amount of invoice that has been paid.
Amount adjusted Dollar Amount Total amount of invoice that has been adjusted.
Due date Date Due date of invoice.
External invoice number Text Number of this invoice in an external system.
External payment status Lookup list Payment status of invoice in an external system.
External payment date Date Payment date of the invoice in an external system.
Exported date Date Date the invoice was exported.
Exported batch Whole number Number of the batch that the invoice was exported in.
Notes Text Block Notes for invoice.
Created date Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the record was last updated.


Name Description
Invoice items Line items that are on the invoice.
Client Invoiced client. Each invoice will have either a client or employer, but not both.
Employer Invoiced employer. Each invoice will have either a client or employer, but not both.
Employer contact Employer contact for the invoice. Only available for employer invoices.
Credit term Credit term for invoice.
Organisation Organisation of invoice.
File notes File notes for the invoice.
File links File links belonging to the invoice.

Invoice item

Contains line items on invoices. Also contains scheduled invoice items that have not been generated onto an invoice yet.


Name Type Description
Amount Dollar Amount Amount of the invoice item, including any GST.
GST Dollar Amount GST amount of the invoice item.
Description Text Description of the invoice line item.
Quantity Whole number Quantity of the invoice item. Only applicable for "loose" inventory items added directly to the invoice.
Schedule generate date Date Date when this invoice item will be scheduled onto a generated invoice.
Schedule invoicee Lookup list Indicates the invoicee that this invoice item will be invoiced to when generated in a scheduled invoice.
Schedule separately Yes or no Whether this invoice item will go into a separate invoice when scheduled invoice is generated.
Schedule payment due Date The due date of the invoice generated from this scheduled invoice item. Only applicable if "Schedule separately" is Yes.
Created date Date and time Date that the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date that the record was last updated.
Schedule rule Lookup list Rule used to calculate the schedule generation date.
Schedule rule adjustment type Lookup list Type of adjustment to the generated schedule date.
Schedule rule adjustment amount Whole number The number of days/weeks/months to add to the generated schedule date.


Name Description
Invoice Invoice that the invoice item is on. Will be empty if the invoice item is scheduled, but has not yet been invoiced.
Enrolment price Enrolment price that this invoice item is invoicing. Will be empty for "loose" inventory items put directly onto the invoice.
Inventory item "Loose" inventory item that has been put directly onto the invoice. Will be empty if an enrolment price is invoiced. For inventory items that have come from an enrolment price, they are accessed via the "Enrolment price" relation instead.
Ledger Ledger for the invoice item.
Schedule employer invoicee Employer that will be invoiced when this invoice item is generated onto an invoice. Only applicable if "Schedule invoicee" is "Specific employer".
Payment disbursements Disbursements of the invoice item in payments.


Holds languages.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of language.
Code Text AVETMISS code of language.
Archived Yes or no Whether the language is archived.


Contains ledgers that can be assigned to pricing.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of ledger.
Code Text Code of ledger.
Archived Yes or no Whether the ledger is archived.
Notes Text Block Notes for the ledger.


Holds locations for training activity.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of location.
Code Text Code of location.
Archived Yes or no Whether the location is archived.
Description Text Block Description of location.


Name Description
State State that location is in.
Region Region that location is in.
Address Physical address of location, in AVETMISS 7 format.
File links File links belonging to the location.

NSW Smart and Skilled enrolment

Holds NSW Smart and Skilled data for an enrolment.


Name Type Description
Commitment ID Text NSW Smart and Skilled Commitment ID.
Status Lookup list NSW Smart and Skilled status.
Notified date Date NSW Smart and Skilled notified date.
Expiry date Date NSW Smart and Skilled expiry date.
Cancelled date Date NSW Smart and Skilled cancelled date.
Complete Yes or no Whether the enrolment is complete and is to no longer be reported to NSW Smart and Skilled.
Student fee Dollar Amount NSW Smart and Skilled student fee for enrolment.
Needs loading amount Dollar Amount NSW Smart and Skilled needs loading amount for the enrolment.
Location loading amount Dollar Amount NSW Smart and Skilled location loading amount for the enrolment.
Subsidy amount Dollar Amount Subsidy amount for the enrolment.
PAS number Text PAS number for enrolment.
Waiver strategy Lookup list Eligibility info waiver strategy of the enrolment.
Fee or waiver code Lookup list Eligibility info fee or waiver code of the enrolment.


Name Description
Payments Payments for NSW Smart and Skilled enrolment.

NSW Smart and Skilled payment

Holds payments for NSW Smart and Skilled enrolments.


Name Type Description
Invoice number Text Invoice number for NSW Smart and Skilled payment.
Invoice date Date Invoice date for NSW Smart and Skilled payment.
TCID Text Training Contract ID for NSW Smart and Skilled payment.
Instalment description Text Description of instalment for NSW Smart and Skilled payment.
Amount Dollar Amount Amount of NSW Smart and Skilled payment.
PV ID Text PV ID for NSW Smart and Skilled enrolment.
PV approval date Date PV approval date for NSW Smart and Skilled payment.


Holds occurrences and bookings.


Name Type Description
ID Whole number ID of occurrence.
Short code Text Short code of occurrence.
Long code Text Long code of occurrence.
Type Lookup list Type of the occurrence.
Start date Date Start date of occurrence.
Finish date Date Finish date of occurrence.
Notes Text Block Notes for occurrence.
Minimum clients Whole number Minimum number of clients for the occurrence.
Maximum clients Whole number Maximum number of clients for the occurrence.
Total clients Whole number Total number of clients currently enrolled in the occurrence.
Published for online enrolment Yes or no Whether the occurrence has been published for online enrolment.
Published for LMS Yes or no Whether the occurrence has been published for enrolment by a Learning Management System.
Date of status change Date Date that the status of the occurrence was last changed.
Reportability Lookup list Default reportability of new enrolments in the occurrence.
Amount Dollar Amount Total pricing amount for the occurrence, including any GST.
GST Dollar Amount Total GST pricing amount for the occurrence.
Government amount Dollar Amount Total amount of enrolments in the occurrence to be government funded.
Confirmation status Lookup list Confirmation status for the occurrence.
Commencing status Lookup list Default AVETMISS commencing status for new enrolments in the occurrence.
VET in schools Yes or no Whether new enrolments in the occurrence are VET In Schools enrolments.
Report employer as location Yes or no Whether to report the enrolment's employer as the location in AVETMISS for new enrolments in the occurrence.
VIC enrolment date Date Date when the student legally agreed to undertake the training and incur any related costs for new enrolments in the occurrence.
VIC program commencement date Date Victorian training activity start date for new enrolments in the occurrence.
VIC PSTACD Date VIC Program Supervised Teaching Activity Completion Date for new enrolments in the occurrence.
VIC PUSH Whole number VIC Program Unique Supervised Hours for new enrolments in the occurrence.
VIC PUSH calculation method Lookup list How the enrolment's Program Unique Supervised Hours are automatically calculated for new enrolments in the occurrence.
VIC funding eligibility key Text VIC funding eligibility key for new enrolments in the occurrence.
VIC eligibility exemption Yes or no Whether new enrolments in the occurrence meet VIC eligibility exemption criteria.
VET Student Loan indicator Yes or no Whether enrolment has a VET Student Loan in VIC or TAS.
VIC VSN transfer Yes or no Whether to include new enrolments in the occurrence in VIC VSN transfers.
VIC eligibility Yes or no Whether evidence of student eligibility verified for new enrolments in the occurrence.
VIC declaration Yes or no Whether to set the student declaration signed in VIC for new enrolments in the occurrence.
NSW report type Lookup list How new enrolments in the occurrence should be reported in NSW.
NSW enrolment status Lookup list NSW Smart and Skilled reportable status for new enrolments in the occurrence.
NSW provider calculator export Yes or no Whether new enrolments in the occurrence are to be included in NSW Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator exports, until they have a commitment ID.
QLD full time learning Yes or no Whether new enrolments in the occurrence are QLD full time learning.
WA intake number Text WA intake number for new enrolments in the occurrence.
WA fee model Lookup list How WA fees should be calculated for new enrolments in the occurrence.
ACT student file number Text ACT student file number for new enrolments in the occurrence.
Delivery modes Text Delivery modes for the enrolment. This is a string containing one letter per delivery mode, with the predominant delivery mode first.
VIC claims exclusion Lookup list Indicates whether the enrolment should be excluded from VIC claiming or invoicing, to opt-out of rejects for it.
Use enrolment employer as VIC workplace employer Yes or no Whether the enrolment's employer should be reported as the VIC workplace employer.
Published for VETembark Yes or no Indicates whether the occurrence is available in VETembark.
Created date Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the record was last updated.
Online class link Text Web url to access online classes for the occurrence.


Name Description
Programme Programme of the occurrence.
Qualification Qualification/course for the occurrence.
Units Units in the occurrence.
Location Delivery location of occurrence.
Status Status of occurrence.
Cancellation reason Reason for the cancellation of the occurrence. Will be empty if not cancelled.
Employer Employer associated with occurrence.
Employer contact Employer contact for the occurrence.
Events Events linked to this occurrence.
Organisation Organisation this occurrence belongs to.
Division Division for occurrence.
Enrolment type Type of the occurrence.
Referral source Referral source for occurrence.
Staff Staff members assigned to occurrence.
Client enrolments Client enrolments in the occurrence.
Classes Classes that are in the occurrence.
Funding source Funding source for new enrolments in the occurrence. Empty if not government funded.
Purchasing contract Purchasing contract for new enrolments in the occurrence.
Delivery provider employer Employer that is the delivery provider for new enrolments in the occurrence.
Vocation Vocation for new enrolments in the occurrence.
Delivery type AVETMISS delivery type for new enrolments in the occurrence.
Fee exemption Fee exemption type for new enrolments in the occurrence.
Fee exemption waiver Fee exemption waiver type for new enrolments in the occurrence. Only used in VIC.
Study reason Study reason for new enrolments in the occurrence.
Specific funding identifier Specific funding identifier for new enrolments in the occurrence.
Funding model Funding model for pricing for new enrolments in the occurrence.
ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification for new enrolments in the occurrence.
Status history Status history entries for the occurrence.
NSW Smart and Skilled enrolment NSW Smart and Skilled data for new enrolments in the occurrence.
Tasks Tasks linked to the occurrence.
Pricing Pricing for the occurrence.
Waitlist Waitlist entries that prefer this occurrence.
Contact records Contact records of the occurrence.
File notes File notes for the occurrence.
Costs Costs assigned to the occurrence.
File links File links belonging to the occurrence.
VIC workplace employer VIC workplace employer for the enrolment.

Occurrence cost

Holds costs assigned to occurrences.


Name Type Description
Actual amount Dollar Amount Actual amount of occurrence cost, including any GST.
Actual GST Dollar Amount Actual GST amount of occurrence cost.
Budget amount Dollar Amount Budget amount of occurrence cost, including any GST.
Budget GST Dollar Amount Budget GST amount of occurrence cost.
Notes Text Block Notes for occurrence cost.


Name Description
Cost type Type of cost assigned to occurrence.
Staff member Staff member assigned to occurrence cost.
Occurrence Occurrence the cost is assigned to.
File links File links belonging to the occurrence cost.

Occurrence event

Holds events assigned to occurrences.


Name Type Description
Start date Date and time Start date of the occurrence event.
Finish date Date and time Finish date of the occurrence event. Will be empty for a single day/milestone event.
Complete Yes or no Whether this occurrence event is complete.
Notes Text Block Notes for the occurrence event.
Show in calendar Yes or no Whether to show this event in the calendar.
Document reference Text Reference to a document linked to the occurrence event.
Don't copy to new enrolments Yes or no Whether the occurrence event should not be copied to new enrolments in the occurrence by default.


Name Description
Event type The type of this occurrence event.
Staff Staff member assigned to occurrence event.
File notes File notes for the occurrence event.
File links File links belonging to the occurrence event.

Occurrence price

Contains prices for occurrences.


Name Type Description
Amount Dollar Amount Amount of occurrence price, including any GST.
GST Dollar Amount GST amount of occurrence price.
Web published Yes or no Whether the occurrence price is published for online enrolments.


Name Description
Occurrence Occurrence that the price is on.
Pricing item Pricing item for occurrence price. Each price will have either a Pricing Item or an Inventory Item, not both.
Inventory item Inventory item for occurrence price. Each price will have either a Pricing Item or an Inventory Item, not both.
Unit Occurrence unit that is being priced. Will not be specified if the price is not at the enrolled unit level.
Ledger Ledger for the occurrence price.

Occurrence staff

Staff assigned to an occurrence.


Name Type Description
Primary Yes or no Whether this is the primary staff member for the occurrence.


Name Description
Staff type Type of staff member assigned to enrolment.
Staff Staff member assigned to enrolment.
Occurrence Occurrence the staff member is assigned to.

Occurrence unit

Holds units in occurrences/bookings.


Name Type Description
Start date Date Start date of default occurrence unit result.
Finish date Date Finish date of default occurrence unit result.
Reportability Lookup list Reportability of the occurrence unit.
Percentage Whole number Percentage result for the occurrence unit. -1 if no percentage is recorded.
Points Whole number Number of points for the occurrence unit. -1 if no points are recorded.
Hours Whole number Number of hours for the occurrence unit.
Hours customised Yes or no Whether the number of hours on this occurrence unit were changed from the default for the unit.
Notes Text Block Notes for the occurrence unit.
Claim date Date Default date that the occurrence unit was claimed.
Paid date Date Default date the occurrence unit was paid.
Amount Dollar Amount Total pricing amount for the occurrence unit, including any GST.
GST Dollar Amount GST amount of the occurrence unit.
Government amount Dollar Amount Total of government pricing amounts for the occurrence unit.
Expiry date Date Expiry date of the occurrence unit.
Sequence Whole number Sequence number for the occurrence unit.
Start order Whole number Starting order of the occurrence unit.
Stage Whole number Stage number of the occurrence unit.
Planned start date Date Planned start date of occurrence unit.
Planned finish date Date Planned finish date for the occurrence unit.
Assessment mode (Old) Text Old assessment mode for the occurrence unit. Replaced by Assessment modes.
Date 1 Date Date 1 for the occurrence unit.
Comment 1 Text Comment 1 for the occurrence unit.
Date 2 Date Date 2 for the occurrence unit.
Comment 2 Text Comment 2 for the occurrence unit.
Date 3 Date Date 3 for the occurrence unit.
Comment 3 Text Comment 3 for the occurrence unit.
Date 4 Date Date 4 for the occurrence unit.
Comment 4 Text Comment 4 for the occurrence unit.
Date 5 Date Date 5 for the occurrence unit.
Comment 5 Text Comment 5 for the occurrence unit.
Commencing status Lookup list AVETMISS commencing status for the occurrence unit.
VIC enrolment date Date Date when the student legally agreed to undertake the training and incur any related costs for the occurrence unit.
VIC program commencement date Date Victorian training activity start date for the occurrence unit.
VIC funding eligibility key Text VIC funding eligibility key for the occurrence unit.
VIC eligibility exemption Yes or no Whether the occurrence unit meets VIC eligibility exemption criteria.
VIC VET FEE-HELP Yes or no Whether occurrence unit is being delivered under VET FEE-HELP in VIC.
Delivery modes Text Delivery modes for the occurrence unit. This is a string containing one letter per delivery mode, with the predominant delivery mode first.
WA funding removed Yes or no Whether WA funding has been removed for the occurrence unit.
WA employer invoiced Yes or no Whether an employer has been invoiced for this occurrence unit.
Date created Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the record was last updated.
Date result last recorded Date and time Date that a default result was last recorded for the occurrence unit.
Date result last reset Date Date when this occurrence unit's default result was last reset. Empty if the result has never been reset.
Release Text Release number of occurrence unit.


Name Description
Occurrence Occurrence for the unit.
Unit Unit that is in the occurrence.
Result type Default result type of the occurrence unit. Empty if it does not have a result.
Qualification Qualification/course for the occurrence unit.
Staff Staff member associated with the occurrence unit.
Delivery strategy Delivery strategy for the occurrence unit.
Funding source Funding source for the occurrence unit. Empty if not government funded.
Purchasing contract Purchasing contract for the occurrence unit.
Delivery type AVETMISS delivery type for the occurrence unit.
Location Location for the delivery of the occurrence unit.
Study reason Study reason for the occurrence unit.
Fee exemption Fee exemption for the occurrence unit.
Fee exemption waiver Fee exemption waiver for the occurrence unit. Only used in VIC.
ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification for the occurrence unit.
Delivery provider employer Delivery provider employer for the occurrence unit.
Staff last recorded result Staff member that last recorded a result for the occurrence unit.
Pricing Occurrence pricing for unit.
Unit cluster Cluster the unit came from.
File notes File notes for the occurrence unit.
Assessment modes Assessment modes of the occurrence unit.
File links File links belonging to the occurrence unit.


Holds organisations.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of organisation.
Short name Text Short name of organisation.
Trading name Text Trading name for organisation.
RTO code Text RTO code on for organisation.
ABN Text ABN for organisation.
Archived Yes or no Whether the organisation is archived.


Name Description
File links File links belonging to the organisation.


Holds AVETMISS unit outcomes.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of outcome.
Code Text AVETMISS code of outcome.


Contains payments made against invoices.


Name Type Description
ID Whole number Internal ID of payment.
Amount Dollar Amount Amount of payment.
Recorded date Date Date the payment was recorded.
Payee Text Payee of payment. If empty, was paid by the invoicee.
BSB Text BSB of the payment. Only applicable if payment type is EFT or cheque.
Account number Text Account number of payment. Only applicable if payment type is EFT or cheque.
Account name Text Account name of payment. Only applicable if payment type is EFT.
Credit card type Text Credit card type of payment. Only applicable if payment type is credit card.
Cheque drawer Text The drawer of the cheque. Only applicable for a payment type of cheque.
Cheque number Text Number of the cheque. Only applicable if payment type is cheque.
Order number Text Order number of payment. Only applicable for credit card gateways.
RRN Text Return Receipt Number of credit card payment. Only applicable for credit card gateways, or Ezidebit payments.
Notes Text Block Notes of payment.
External number Text Number of the payment in an external finance system.
Exported date Date Date the payment was exported.
Exported batch Whole number Batch number the payment was exported in.


Name Description
Payment type Type of payment.
Location Location of payment.
Disbursements Contains disbursements of this payment against invoice items.
First invoice The "first" invoice that this payment was made against. This should not be relied upon for payments that are made against multiple invoices.
Holding Amounts transferred from the payment to holding, or from holding to the payment.
File links File links belonging to the payment.

Payment disbursement

Contains disbursements of a payment across invoice items.


Name Type Description
Amount Dollar Amount Amount of payment disbursement, including any GST.
GST Dollar Amount GST amount of the payment disbursement.
Description Text Description of item that this payment disbursement is for.


Name Description
Payment Payment that the disbursal is against.
Invoice item Invoice item that the payment is disbursed against.

Payment history

Contains imported payment history for enrolled units and enrolments.


Name Type Description
Amount Dollar Amount Payment amount.
Hours Whole number Number of hours the payment was made for.
Identifier Text Identifier for the payment. Currently only used in Victoria, where it stores the Claim ID.


Name Description
Import batch Batch that the payment history entry was imported in.

Payment history import batch

Contains batches of payment history imports.


Name Type Description
Invoice number Text Invoice number of payment history import batch.
Invoice date Date Date of payment history invoice.
Import date Date and time Date that the payment history was imported.


Name Description
Imported by user User that imported the payment history batch.

Payment type

Contains types of payments.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of payment type.
Code Text Code of payment type.
Type Lookup list Type of payment type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the payment type has been archived.
Notes Text Block Notes for the payment type.
Default for web payments Yes or no Whether the payment type is the default for web payments.


Holds workplace placements.


Name Type Description
Start date Date Start date of placement.
Finish date Date Finish date of placement.
Wage rate Dollar Amount Wage rate of placement.
Charge rate Dollar Amount Charge rate of placement.
Hours per week Decimal number Hours to be worked per week in the placement.
Notes Text Block Notes for the placement.
Created date Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the placement was last updated.


Name Description
Client Client being placed.
Employer Employer the client is placed with.
Employer contact Client that is the employer contact for the placement.
Staff Supervising staff member for the placement.
Enrolment Enrolment the placement is associated with.
Contract Contract the placement is associated with.
File links File links belonging to the placement.


Holds positions of clients.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the position.
Code Text Code of the position.
Archived Yes or no Whether this position is archived.
Description Text Block Description of position.


Name Description
Classification Classification of position.
Capabilities Capabilities of the position.

Position capability

Holds position capability items.


Name Type Description
Expiry months Whole number Number of months the position capability expires after.


Name Description
Capability Capability of the position capability.
Position Position of the position capability.

Position classification

Holds classifications of positions.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of classification.
Archived Yes or no Whether this classification is archived.
Description Text Block Description of this classification.

Pricing item

Contains pricing items.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of pricing item.
Code Text Code of pricing item.
Type Lookup list Type of pricing item. Controls how the pricing item is used in calculations and reporting.
Archived Yes or no Whether the ledger is archived.
Include on invoices Yes or no Whether this pricing item is included on invoices by default.
Surcharge percentage Decimal number Percentage of the surcharge (or a negative for a discount) that can be applied to prices of this type.


Name Description
Default ledger Default ledger of pricing item when it is put on invoices.

Prior education

Holds prior education entries.


Name Type Description
Name Text The name of the prior education.
Code Text The AVETMISS code of the prior education.

Program enrolment

Holds data for Victorian and Tasmanian program enrolments.


Name Type Description
Program enrolment identifier Text Reportable unique identifier for the program enrolment.


Name Description
Program enrolment status Status of the program enrolment.
Client enrolments Client enrolments for the same client, qualification, and program commencement date as the program enrolment.
State State the program enrolment is in.

Program enrolment status

Holds Victorian and Tasmanian program enrolment statuses.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of Victorian program enrolment status.
Code Text Code of Victorian program enrolment status.
Archived Yes or no Whether the Victorian program enrolment status is archived.


Holds programmes for occurrences.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of programme.
Code Text Code of programme.
Archived Yes or no Whether the programme is archived.
Description Text Block Description of programme.
Waitlistable Yes or no Whether the programme is available for waitlisting.
Foundation skills programme Yes or no Show whether the programme is a Foundation Skills programme.
Published for VETembark Yes or no Indicates whether the programme is available in VETembark.


Name Description
Programme type Type of the programme.
File links File links belonging to the programme.

Programme type

Holds types of programmes for occurrences.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of programme type.
Code Text Code of programme type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the programme type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of programme type.


Name Description
File links File links belonging to the programme type.

Purchasing contract

Holds state-based purchasing contracts.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of purchasing contract.
Code Text Code of purchasing contract.
Schedule number Text Schedule number of purchasing contract. Only used in VIC and QLD.
Archived Yes or no Whether the purchasing contract is archived.
Description Text Block Description of the purchasing contract.
Target hours Whole number Target number of hours of training for the purchasing contract.


Name Description
State State of the purchasing contract.
File links File links belonging to the purchasing contract.


Holds qualifications and courses.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of qualification/course.
Code Text Code of qualification/course.
Release Text Release number of qualification.
Status Lookup list Status of qualification.
Archived Yes or no Whether the qualification/course is archived.
Is VET Yes or no Whether the course is a VET course. Qualifications are always VET.
Core count Whole number The number of core units/modules required for the qualification/course.
Elective count Whole number The number of elective units/modules for the qualification/course.
Accredited until date Date Date that the RTO's accreditation for this qualification/course is valid until.
Description Text Block Description of the qualification/course.
Strategy Text Block Training and Assessment Strategy of the qualification/course.
In TGA Yes or no Whether the qualification is on


Name Description
Client enrolments Client enrolments in the qualification/course.
Training package Training package the qualification belongs to. Will be empty for a course.
Category AVETMISS category of qualification.
Recognition status AVETMISS recognition status for the qualification.
ANZSCO Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupation for the qualification.
Report this qualification as The qualification that this qualification should be reported as in AVETMISS.
Qualifications reported as this Qualifications that are reported as this one.
Superseded by Qualification that supersedes this one.
Supersedes qualifications Qualifications that are superseded by this one.
State details Details for the qualification that vary in each state.
Capability Capability of the qualification.
File links File links belonging to the qualification.

Qualification category

Holds categories of qualifications.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the qualification category.
Code Text AVETMISS code of the qualification category.
Archived Yes or no Whether the qualification category is archived.

Qualification recognition status

Holds a list of recognition statuses for qualifications.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of recognition status.
Code Text AVETMISS code of recognition status.

Qualification state details

Holds information about a qualification that varies in each state.


Name Type Description
Hours Whole number Default hours for the qualification in the state.
Units Whole number Number of units in the qualification.
Points Whole number Default points for the qualification in the state.
Amount Dollar Amount Amount for the qualification in the state.
Expiry months Whole number Default number of months following the completion date after which an award in the qualification expires.
Unit amount Dollar Amount Per-unit amount for the qualification in the state.


Name Description
State State the qualification details are for.

Referral source

Holds referral sources.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of referral source.
Code Text Code of referral source.
Archived Yes or no Whether referral source is archived.
Description Text Block Description of referral source.


Holds regions that locations can be in.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of region
Code Text Code of region
Archived Yes or no Whether the region is archived.
Description Text Block Description of region.

Result type

Holds types of unit results.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of result type.
Code Text Code of result type. This is not the AVETMISS outcome code.
Result status Lookup list The status of result that the result type represents.
Assessment status Lookup list Assessment status that the result type represents.
Report in AVETMISS Yes or no Whether the result type should be reported in AVETMISS.
Provider code Text Code reported for the result type in "Outcome identifier - Training Organisation" field in AVETMISS exports.
Archived Yes or no Whether the result type is archived.


Name Description
Outcome Reportable AVETMISS outcome for the result type.


Holds rooms for classes.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of room.
Code Text Code of room.
Archived Yes or no Whether room is archived.
Description Text Block Description of room.
Capacity Whole number Capacity of room.


Name Description
Location Location of room.
File links File links belonging to the room.

School level

Holds AVETMISS school levels.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of school level.
Code Text AVETMISS code of school level.


Holds skills.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of skill.
Code Text Code of skill.
Expiry months Whole number Number of months after which the skill expires. 0 means no expiry.
Archived Yes or no Whether the skill is archived.
Description Text Block Description of skill.


Name Description
Capability Capability of the skill.

Specific funding identifier

Holds AVETMISS specific funding identifiers.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of specific funding identifier.
Code Text Code of specific funding identifier.
Archived Yes or no Whether specific funding identifier is archived.


Holds staff members.


Name Type Description
Code Text Unique VETtrak code of the client.
Surname Text Surname (or single name) of the client.
Given name Text Given name of the client. For a single name client, this field must be empty.
Other names Text Other names of the client, such as middle names. For a single name client, this field must be empty.
Title Text Title of client (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr etc).
Preferred name Text Preferred name of client.
Former surname Text Former surname of the client.
Gender Lookup list Gender of the client.
Date of birth Date Date of birth of the client.
Username Text Username of the client.
Login disabled Yes or no Whether the staff member is barred from logging onto any VETtrak software.
Status Lookup list Whether this client is active, inactive, or pending.
Email Text Email address of the client.
Email secondary Text Secondary email address for the client.
Email both Yes or no Whether to send email to both of the client's email addresses.
Mobile phone Text Mobile phone number of the client.
Mobile phone secondary Text Secondary mobile phone number for the client.
SMS both Yes or no Whether to send SMS messages to both of the client's mobile phone numbers.
Home phone Text Home phone number of the client.
Work phone Text Work phone number of the client.
Fax number Text Fax number of the client.
Preferred contact method Lookup list Preferred contact method for the client.
Notes Text Block Notes for client.
External code Text Code for this client in an external system.
Emergency contact person Text Name of the emergency contact person for this client.
Emergency contact relationship Text Relationship of the emergency contact person for this client.
Emergency contact phone Text Phone number of the emergency contact person for this client.
Emergency contact mobile Text Mobile number of the emergency contact person for this client.
Web published Yes or no Whether the client is web published.
Department/school/faculty Text Department/school/faculty for the staff member.
Employment Lookup list Employment type for the staff member.
External staff member Yes or no Whether this staff member is external.
Created date Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the record was last updated.


Name Description
Client Access to the entire client record for the staff member.
Employer (primary) Primary employer of the client.
Employment Employment records and history for the staff member.
Usual address Usual address of the client, in AVETMISS 7 format.
Postal address Postal address of the client, in AVETMISS 7 format.
Manager (primary) Primary client that is the manager of this client.
Managed clients (primary) Primary clients that are managed by this client.
Division Security division that this client is in.
Groups Groups that this client is in.
Contact for employers Employers that the client is a contact for.
Deliverable units Units that the staff member can deliver.
Credentials Credentials for the staff member.
Staff types Staff types for the staff member.
Associated client enrolments Client enrolments the staff member is associated with.
Associated contracts Contracts the staff member is associated with.
Associated client events Client events that have this staff member assigned.
Associated employer events Employer events that have this staff member assigned.
Associated occurrences Occurrences that this staff member is assigned to.
Associated occurrence events Occurrence events that this staff member is assigned to.
Associated classes Classes the staff member is assigned to.
Supervised placements Placements the staff member is supervising.
Associated occurrence costs Occurrence costs assigned to the staff member.
File links File links belonging to the staff member.

Staff credential

Contains credentials held by staff members.


Name Type Description
Status Lookup list Status of staff credential.
Start date Date Start date of staff credential.
Expiry date Date Expiry date of staff credential.
Created date Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the record was last updated.
Notes Text Block The notes for individual staff credentials.


Name Description
Credential Credential held by the staff member.
Deliverable units Units that are deliverable with this staff credential.
File links File links belonging to the staff credential.

Staff type

Holds staff types.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of staff type.
Code Text Code of staff type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the staff type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of staff type.


Holds Australian states/territories and other areas.


Name Type Description
Name Text The long name of the state, such as "New South Wales" and "Victoria".
Short name Text The short name (or code) of the state, such as "NSW" and "Vic".


Holds enrolment and contract statuses.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of status.
Code Text Code of status.
Type Lookup list Type of status.
Archived Yes or no Whether the status is archived.
Description Text Block Description of status.
Is default Yes or no Whether this status is the default.

Status history

History of status changes for an enrolment or contract.


Name Type Description
Start date Date Date that the status history applies from.
Finish date Date Date that the status history applies to.
Date of effect Date Date of effect for the status history.


Name Description
Status Status for the status history entry.

Study reason

Holds AVETMISS reasons for study.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of study reason.
Code Text Code of study reason.
Archived Yes or no Whether the study reason is archived.


Name Description
State State that study reason applies to. Empty if study reason is national.

Survey contact status

Holds survey contact statuses for clients.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of survey contact status.
Code Text Code of survey contact status.
Archived Yes or no Whether the survey contact status is archived.


Holds definitions of tasks.


Name Type Description
Code Text Code of task.
Name Text Name of task.
Notes Text Block Notes for task.
Archived Yes or no Whether the task is archived.
Percentage required Yes or no Indicates whether the task requires a percentage when recording a completed task activity.


Name Description
Task category Category of task.
Capability Capability of the task.
File links File links belonging to the task.

Task category

Holds categories of tasks.


Name Type Description
Code Text Code of task category.
Name Text Name of task category.
Archived Yes or no Whether the task category is archived.


Name Description
File links File links belonging to the task category.

Task enrolment

Holds enrolled tasks for client enrolments.


Name Type Description
Enrolment ID Whole number ID of enrolment or occurrence that contains the task.
Start date Date Date the enrolled task was started.
Complete date Date Date the enrolled task was completed. Empty if not completed.
Date of status change Date Date of the last status change.
Due date Date Due date of enrolled task.
Percentage Whole number Percentage score of task enrolment.
Notes Text Block Notes for enrolled task.
Created date Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the enrolled task was last updated.


Name Description
Task Task that is enrolled.
Task status Status of enrolled task.
Client enrolment Client enrolment that enrolled task is for.
Enrolled units Enrolled units linked to the enrolled task.
Assigned staff member Staff member assigned to the enrolled task.
Completed by staff member Staff member who last marked this enrolled task as completed.
File notes File notes for the task enrolment.
File links File links belonging to the task enrolment.

Task status

Holds task statuses.


Name Type Description
Code Text Code of task status.
Name Text Name of task status.
Type Lookup list Type of task status.
Notes Text Block Notes for task status.
Archived Yes or no Whether the task status is archived.


Name Description
File links File links belonging to the task status.

Training package

Holds training packages.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of training package.
Code Text Code of training package.
Archived Yes or no Whether this training package is archived.
Description Text Block Description of the training package.


Name Description
File links File links belonging to the training package.


Holds units and modules.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of unit/module.
Code Text Code of unit/module.
Type Lookup list Whether this is a unit or module.
Archived Yes or no Whether the unit/module is archived.
Is VET Yes or no Whether the unit/module is VET.
Accredited until date Date Expiry date of the accreditation to deliver the unit/module.
Description Text Block Description of unit/module.
In TGA Yes or no Whether the unit is on
Expected duration (days) Whole number Expected duration of delivery of the unit, in calendar days.
Release Text Release number of unit.
Status Lookup list Status of unit.


Name Description
Training packages Training packages that the unit belongs to. Will be empty for modules.
Field of education Field of education for the unit/module.
State details Details for the unit that vary in each state.
Capability Capability of the unit.
File links File links belonging to the unit.

Unit cluster

Holds clusters of units in a qualification.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of unit cluster.
Code Text Code of unit cluster.
Type Lookup list Type of unit cluster.
Archived Yes or no Whether the unit cluster is archived.
Default Yes or no Whether the unit cluster is added to new qualifications by default.
Description Text Block Description of unit cluster.

Unit state details

Holds information about a unit that varies in each state.


Name Type Description
Hours Whole number Default nominal hours for the unit in the state.
Points Whole number Default points for the unit in the state.
Amount Dollar Amount Amount for the unit in the state.
Expiry months Whole number Default number of months following the enrolled unit end date after which a competency in the unit expires.
Element amount Dollar Amount Per-element amount for the unit in the state.


Name Description
State State the unit details are for.

VET Student Loan client details

Contains VET Student Loan information, such as CHESSN and birth location, about a client.


Name Type Description
Term address country type Lookup list Country of residence during term.
Term address postcode Text Australian postcode of term residence. Only used if Term address country type is "Australia"
Home address country type Lookup list Country of permanent home residence.
Home address postcode Text Australian postcode of permanent home residence. Only used if Home address country type is "Australia"
Birth location Lookup list Indicates how much is known about the country of birth. This field is related to the Client's Country of Birth.
Arrival status Lookup list Arrival status. This field is related to the Client's Country of Birth. If the Client's Country of Birth is Australia, this field is set to "Born in Australia" automatically.
Arrival year Whole number Year of arrival in Australia. Only used if Arrival status is "Known year of arrival"
Language at home status Lookup list Whether English is spoken at home. This field is related to the Client's Language spoken at home. If this is not blank, this field is automatically set to "Known"
Citizenship status Lookup list Client's citizenship status.
Disability exists Lookup list Does the client have a disability?
Disability conditions Text Areas of impairment. 6 character string. Each character can be 0 or 1. 1 in a particular position indicates the client has the disability corresponding with that position, 0 indicates they do not. The character positions from left-to-right are: 1st = Hearing 2nd = Learning 3rd = Mobility 4th = Visual 5th = Medical 6th = Other eg. 010100 indicates learning and visual impairments.
Disability support Lookup list Whether the client requires disability support.
School leaver type Lookup list Was this client a domestic school leaver?
Year 12 postcode Text Postcode of year 12 permanent home residence.
Year 12 suburb Text Name of commencing suburb. Only used if Leaver type is "Yes"
CHESSN Text Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number
Participation type Lookup list Highest prior educational participation student status.
Highest participation Lookup list Highest educational participation
Year of last participation Text Year of last participation
Under 18 status Lookup list Under 18 status for the client. Only relevant if the client is under 18 years of age.
Has NZ Special Category Visa Yes or no Whether the client has a NZ Special Category Visa (SCV). Only relevant if the client's citizenship is New Zealand.
Entered Australia as a child (NZ) Yes or no Whether the NZ client entered Australia as a child. Only relevant if the client's citizenship is New Zealand.


Name Description
Term address country The overseas country of term residence.
Home address country The overseas country of permanent home residence.

VET Student Loan eCAF progression

Holds eCAF progressions for VET Student Loan courses of study.


Name Type Description
Progression ID Whole number ID of progression in eCAF system.
Number Whole number Sequence number of progression.
Period start date Date Start date of period that the progression is for.
Create date Date and time Date the progression was created in the eCAF system.
Modify date Date and time Date the progression was last modified in the eCAF system.
Due date Date Date the progression is due in the eCAF system.
Status Lookup list Status of the progression in the eCAF system.
Student submit date Date and time Date the student submitted the progression in the eCAF system. Empty if it has not been submitted yet.
Outcome Text Outcome selected by the student for the progression in the eCAF system. Empty if no outcome has been entered yet.


Name Description
Responses The student's responses to the questions on the eCAF progression form. Not all fields on the eCAF progression form are made available to the RTO. The fields vary depending on the outcome the student selected.

VET Student Loan eCAF progression response

Holds student's responses to the questions on their eCAF progression forms.


Name Type Description
Field name Text Name of eCAF progression form field.
Field value Text Block Value that was entered by the student in this field on the eCAF progression form.

VET Student Loan enrolment

Contains VET Student Loan courses of study for clients.


Name Type Description
Admission basis Lookup list Basis for admission to course.
Attendance type Lookup list Type of attendance.
Enrolment date Date Date the client enrolled for the VET Student Loan.
Course start date Date Commencement Date
Credit used Decimal number Credit used percentage; a number between 0 and 100.
Credit offered Decimal number Credit offered, as a percentage of full time load. Number between 1 and 100
Credit field of education Text Field of education code of prior VET credit/RPL.
Credit level of education Lookup list Level of prior study for credit/RPL was offered.
Credit provider type Lookup list Type of provider where credited study was undertaken.
Credit basis Lookup list Prior study for which credit/RPL was offered.
Study reason Lookup list Reason for study.
Completion status Lookup list Completion status.
Completion date Date Completion date for the course of study.
Exported date Date Date that this record was last exported in a VCC export. Empty if never exported.
Notes Text Block Notes
Australian resident for 10 years (NZ) Yes or no Whether the client first started to be generally living and resident in Australia at least 10 years before the test day. Only relevant if the client holds a NZ Special Category Visa.
In Australia 8 of 10 years (NZ) Yes or no Whether the client has been in Australia for at least a total of 8 out of the 10 years immediately before the test day. Only relevant if the client holds a NZ Special Category Visa.
In Australia 18 months of 2 years (NZ) Yes or no Whether the client has been in Australia for at least a total of 18 months out of the two years immediately before the test day. Only relevant if the client holds a NZ Special Category Visa.
eCAF status Lookup list Status of the Government eCAF for this VET Student Loan.
eCAF ID Whole number ID of the Government eCAF for this VET Student Loan.
eCAF upload date Date and time Date this VET Student Loan was uploaded to the Government eCAF system. Empty if never uploaded.
eCAF student submit date Date and time Date the eCAF for this VET Student Loan was submitted by the student. Empty if never submitted.
Loan scheme Lookup list Whether this is a VET Student Loan or a VET FEE-HELP loan.
VET FEE-HELP opt-in date Date Date when the student opted in to continue their old VET FEE-HELP loan.


Name Description
Enrolled units of study The list of Units of Study that make up this enrolment.
Client The client who has the VET Student Loan enrolment
Qualification The qualification that the VET Student Loan enrolment is in
Organisation The organisation delivering the VET Student Loan enrolment
Credit provider The Higher Education Provider who provided the prior credit for this enrolment.
Related enrolments Client enrolments that are related to this client's VET Student Loan course of study.
Campus location Location of the campus of the VET Student Loan enrolment.
eCAF upload user User that uploaded this VET Student Loan to the Government eCAF system.
eCAF progressions Progressions for the eCAF.
File links File links belonging to the VET Student Loan enrolment.

VET Student Loan higher education provider

A list of higher education providers that can be used for providing credit for a VET Student Loan enrolment.


Name Type Description
Code Text Reportable unique code of the higher education provider.
Name Text Name of the higher education provider.

VET Student Loan related enrolment

A relationship between a VET Student Loan client course of study and a VET enrolment.


Name Type Description
For pricing Yes or no Whether the enrolment is related to the client's VET Student Loan course of study for pricing purposes.
For resulting Yes or no Whether the enrolment is related to the client's VET Student Loan course of study for resulting purposes.


Name Description
VET Student Loan enrolment The related client's VET Student Loan course of study.
Client enrolment The related client's enrolment.

VET Student Loan unit of study

VET Student Loan units of study, able to be assigned to a client's VET Student Loan enrolment.


Name Type Description
Code Text Unique code of the unit of study.
Name Text Name of the unit of study
Description Text Block Optional description or notes about the Unit of Study
Archived Yes or no Whether this unit of study is archived.
Discipline code Text Discipline code for the unit of study. Possible values come from fields of education. Each code is right-padded with 0's to be 6 characters in length


Name Description
File links File links belonging to the unit of study.

VET Student Loan unit of study enrolment

The Units of Study that make up a Client's Course of Study for VET Student Loans


Name Type Description
Start date Date Start date of the unit of study
End date Date End date of the unit of study
Campus country type Lookup list Campus location country type.
Campus post code Text Australian postcode of campus location. Only relevent if Campus country type is "Australia"
Census date Date Unit of Study's Census date.
Student status Lookup list Status of the student's subsidy
RPL status Lookup list RPL status for this Unit of Study enrolment.
VLL export date Date Date that this record was last exported in a VLL export. Empty if this record has never been exported.
VDU export date Date Date that this record was last exported in a VDU export. Empty if this record has never been exported.
VCU export date Date Date that this record was last exported in a VCU export. Empty if this record has never been exported.
Mode of attendance Lookup list Mode of attendance
Equivalent full-time study load Decimal number Equivalent full-time study load, where 1 = 100%
Completion status Lookup list Completion status of the Unit of Study
Completion date Date Completion date for the unit of study.
Amount paid up front Dollar Amount Loan amount paid up front
Total amount charged Dollar Amount Total loan amount charged.
Loan fee Dollar Amount Loan fee
HELP debt Dollar Amount HELP debt
Notes Text Block Notes recorded for the unit of study
Fee notice sent date Date The date that a fee notice was last sent for this unit of study. Empty if it has never been sent.


Name Description
VET Student Loan enrolment The enrolment that this Unit of Study is a part of.
Unit of study The Unit of Study that is part of the enrolment.
Campus country The overseas campus location country. Only relevant if Campus country type is "Overseas"
Related enrolled units Enrolled VET units of competency that have been related to this enrolled unit of study.
Pricing Pricing for unit of study.
File links File links belonging to the VET Student Loan unit of study enrolment.

Visa type

Holds types of Visas.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of the Visa type.
Code Text Code of the Visa type.
Archived Yes or no Whether the Visa type is archived.
Description Text Block Description of the Visa type.


Holds vocations.


Name Type Description
Name Text Name of vocation.
Archived Yes or no Whether vocation is archived.
Description Text Block Description of vocation.


Holds waitlist entries.


Name Type Description
Notes Text Block Notes for waitlist entry.
Created date Date and time Date the record was created.
Last updated date Date and time Date the waitlist entry was last updated.


Name Description
Programme Programme for the waitlist entry.
Occurrence Preferred occurrence for the waitlist entry.
Client Client on waitlist entry.
Referral source Referral source for waitlist entry.